I’ve been a huge fan of Tradeskillmaster ever since I started my gold making adventures in World of Warcraft – way back in 2016. They’ve been around even before that, but for me, that’s the exact year that I decided I wanted to get into the meta game and I’ve been playing it ever since.
TSM has recently overhauled their entire website, and I have to say – HUGE – fan of these changes. They’re not perfect (yet) and there’s still some issues to work out, but as I take a look at what they’re doing I couldn’t be more excited for the future of TSM. Another big bonus is that if you were already supporting TSM with a subscription they’ve grandfathered you in to the new platinum tier for 6 months. This is a great show of faith to their customer base, and I appreciate it. Using TSM is free and always will be – but if you’re a fanatic about statistics, like I am, you may want to look at their gold and platinum subscription options.

What I’m most interested in is their updated ledger. I’ve been away from the game for a little while, and my ledger doesn’t appear to be up to date quite yet (at the time of this post it’s not picking up on my most recent sales this week, I believe there is a 3 day delay going on that is being looked into), but one of the most exciting things they’re displaying is your profit and loss across ALL of your servers. Normally, I keep track of this in a google sheet – and once it’s working as it should be, I can’t wait to see.

Another big perk to this revamp is the ability to easily see your in-game groups outside of the game. When you have a gold or higher subscription you can publish your groups and create easy-to-share links, which allow for import of the group and operations. If you’re interested in gold making at all, I HIGHLY suggest you join the WoW Economy & TSM discord (you’ll find me there as a moderator, just look for Stargrace) and spend a few days lurking around and getting familiar with the basics.
Gumdrops, Sapu, and the rest of the TSM team have been doing a fantastic job – so give it a look, and let me know what you think! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.