At the time of this post, I’ve visited 209 systems, and 150 unique wormholes. I’m not sure how many signatures I’ve scanned down, but I’m sure the numbers are up there. I notice a lot of similarities when it comes to scanning wormholes, but sometimes the layout still surprises me. Take, for example, J204030 which I mention above. When I entered that wormhole there were 5 other signatures up, all to wormholes. I thought I’d spend some time hunting down data/relic sites, but it was not to be.
Instead, it was 5 signatures that ALL lead to a highsec connection! FIVE! I don’t know that I’ve ever come across that before. I picked a random one to head out of, and found myself in a quiet area of Gallente space, so I decided to do some high sec scanning for a bit.
I must say, I do appreciate the changes that have happened to the daily opportunities. Instead of being forced into a specific type of gameplay, I can just carry on with my day and go about whatever it is I would naturally be doing. I feel like this is a much better method of motivating people to play – just rewarding them for logging in and doing whatever it is that they want to do. Sometimes I want to mine, sometimes I’m involved in combat, other times I’m doing some manufacturing, or exploration.
I know EVE Online posts here have been a bit lacking (as in, I haven’t done any) for the past month, but I just haven’t had the spoons to do much posting. Hopefully that’ll change, but if not, at least this is something. Happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!