A Recipe Named After.. Me?

I don’t know when I discovered this recipe (I tried to search on this blog to see if I spoke about it, but apparently I did not) but it looks like I have ‘bugged fish’ named after me on the Independence server – sort of neat! The first person to craft each recipe per server is who it was named after, so on another server this recipe is called something else.

I’m trying to unlock 500+ recipes, but it’s slow going. I’m glad I’ve added as many as I have, though. The cooking update remains to this day one of my favourite Wurm Online updates.

Happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself.

Puzzle Labyrinth and Crystal Balls

When Moumix asked me if I wanted to go on an adventure, I had NO idea that he meant we would be travelling to Xanadu to participate in the Puzzle King Labyrinth. I was even more confused because I thought that this labyrinth was on Deliverance (and apparently it was, in the past, but had moved) so I wasn’t sure where we were headed.

The puzzle king’s crystal ball was one of the few Wurm Online relics that I was still missing from my collection, and I didn’t want to purchase one because I knew we could still obtain it by completing the maze. It just so happens that I’m also absolutely rubbish at doing mazes – so my first run took around three hours. The maze itself is INCREDIBLE. I have never partaken in something so amazing in game before, and I had an absolute blast trying to complete it, even as the hours dragged on. The amount of work that must have gone into creating something like this is astounding.

Eventually I did complete it, and obtained my prize – which now sits in Quail Cove along with my other collectable items.

Moumix decided to stay behind on his priest alts and he ran them all through as well, obtaining a few more crystal balls. I opted out of this, once was enough.

A Little RL Update (Lack of Posts)

Real life has been a lot lately. My mother in law passed away this week, and that means the other half has to fly from NS to BC to handle things like the estate. I am trying to learn to deal with my grief, but I’m not good at that stuff. The entire household has also been quite sick for some time which just compounds the issues.

I have not been playing any World of Warcraft on any significant level, either, because my computer broke yesterday. I’ve ordered new parts, but I imagine it will be some time before they arrive. They say when it rains, it pours, and I suppose in this instance, that’s absolutely true.

Safe travels and happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Working on Quail Landing (Wurm Online)

For the past week or so, Moumix and I hung out at the Magranon event on the Independence server, collecting ore and purifying the monolith that had spawned. Overall it was quite boring, but since neither of us can mine 90ql ore yet, it would come in handy. Yesterday we each took our characters home, and I resumed working on Quail Landing.

My main deed is (and has been for 4 years now) Quail Cove, an island deed on the SE corner of the Independence server. The deed has been ‘completed’ for quite some time, aside from small changes here and there it remains mostly the same. I wanted to be able to use the highway system to transport bulk goods, so I created a second deed on the mainland of Independence, fairly close to my main deed. This one I called Quail Landing.

The deed is completely different from the island version, a huge sprawling castle with lots of tall towers. I have two more buildings to complete (one being the central ‘castle’) and I’ve been working on crafting large brazier pillars for each of the towers. I really like how it’s starting to look. Once the construction is done, and the braziers are up, I can work on decorating the place. At Quail Cove the ‘theme’ is my capy PMK items (capybara) in teal and pink. Over at Quail Landing, the theme runs along the HOTS colours, purple and black (Horde of the Summoned). These items can currently still be crafted, so they’re not exactly of high value, but they do add lots of pops of colour and interest to the deed (or at least, I think so).

I do also need to complete the docks at Quail Cove, it uses a lot of dirt so I haven’t gotten it done – and I keep waiting for the ‘docks’ update that is apparently coming to the game. It was teased about in 2024, but no ETA was provided. I’m hoping we see them ‘soon’ and it will open up a lot of new construction possibilities. I’d also like to move the highway around my deed at Quail Landing, but again that takes quite a bit of dirt. Independence has dirt – but hauling it to my place is something I just haven’t had the time for.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Magranon Holy Site (Independence)

I have quite a few posts in mind for Wurm Online, but finding the time is (as always) one of my downfalls. These days I have been hanging out in a crater on the Independence server (I happen to live on that server, so it was quite easy to get to, kudos to Moumix for bringing us there). There’s a Magranon holy site that spawned on December 31st, and lasts for approximately two weeks. During these two weeks followers of Magranon can rummage at the monolith for ore every hour (approx) and depending on the power of the monolith, it will be that quality. Since I’ve been here I have a whole slew of 99ql ore, and quite a few 100ql ore. If you’re not a follower of Magranon you can still participate, as meteorites fall from the sky around the site. If you’ve got good mining skill, it’s free ore. Empyrean is fairly common from these meteorite, and I’m thinking of creating an entire set of tools from it just to commemorate the event.

There are two types of holy site that can occur for Magranon, and I was hoping this one was the other type (the other type spawns archaelogy fragments for items that do not typically have fragments). This one is still a great deal of fun though, and I’m excited because my mining is only in the 80s, so all of this ore would otherwise be something I could not obtain on my own.

I do have 100 faith priest here, along with a 72 faith priest. I probably wouldn’t have made the 72 faith priest a premium character but I forgot all about the 100 faith priest – one of the downfalls to having so many characters. In any case, it has been fun hanging out. Purrs has been here too, and a few other players from the server but for the most part it has been quiet and I just go around mining everything I can get my hands on and hoping for something good.

As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer