Ding, 77

I’ve been slowly meandering my way through the new zones of The War Within, not doing absolutely everything (yet) but taking my time and just doing things casually. I have to admit, the graphics are absolutely stunning, for Warcraft, at least. This is one of the best expansions I’ve seen as far as graphics go. They stay true to Warcraft, but you can see so many amazing looking vistas, and the skyboxes are astounding. I often just fly around taking screenshots, I’m that in love with the look of everything.
I’m not a huge fan of the nerubian race, spiders are not my favourite creature and since these ones are so incredibly well done I spend a lot of time being grossed out all together. I have upgraded all of the old gear I was wearing from Dragonflight, and I’ve gotten to the point where I needed to put my paladin into her protection spec rather than retribution because she was dying to trash fairly easily. This is something I normally do when a new expansion comes out, tanks may kill slower, but they’re almost impossible to kill.
I also picked up my fishing rod and started fishing my way through this expansion. I haven’t done anything fancy yet other than reach 300 in the skill, but I’ve looked into what can drop – I managed to land a few cosmetic pieces which is always nice. I have not figured out professions yet, I haven’t even started working my way through them or leveling any sort of reputation in a dedicated way. I imagine I’ll get to 80 first, and then work on unlocking whatever it is I need to unlock, along with working on reputation gains. There’s lots of talk in the Economy Discord about all things gold making related, but at this point in time a lot of it simply goes over my head.
The goal? Short term, reach 80 – then work on professions (and alts) from there. I’m debating whether or not I want to level everyone up with pet battles like I normally do. It might be time to just work on them in a traditional way.
As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself.