Guild Wars 2

Season 1 and Other Happenings

I’m not really sure about the how or why that made me wander back to GW2 but that’s where I’ve found myself lately, and I’m having a LOT of fun. First I had to decide which character I wanted to work on. I have one of every class at 80, but I only actively play the guardian and the mesmer (and for a brief stint, my elementalist). I enjoy the mesmer a great deal, but my guardian has a LOT more story components done. I’ve had a dream to one day complete the story fully on a single character (I have bits and pieces completed all over the place) – and so that coloured my overall decision to stick with the guardian. She has the HoT expansion done and that’s one that I don’t relish going back to. She also has her main story done. My mesmer has most of PoF done, but that expansion wasn’t too bad.

What none of my characters have done is the living world stories because these are usually in between major expansions, the times when I end up taking a break. I wanted to work on those starting at the beginning because they’ve been releasing living world season one for the first time and it would be neat to do those in order. I finished the first chapter, and am waiting for the release of the next one.

In the meantime, I also spent a HUGE chunk of coin on my character and purchased a leatherworking glyph so that I can cut trees and have a chance at leather. I need a bunch for some ascended gear I want to craft. I have ascended weapons and jewelry (from laurels) but no actual gear. I do have ascended gear on a second account. Unfortunately I can’t trade it.

Aside from that, there are a few other things I want to work on like WvW, map completion (I’m at 70% or so) and other random bits and bobs. I feel like GW2 has been absolutely thriving under the radar, every single area I went to had people. World bosses are packed, and overall I just had a very good time. It’s nice to be back.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Warclaw Obtained!

I was able to finish off the PVP track that allows you to purchase Warclaw – and I’m so glad I did, because the entire time I was working on the track I felt so behind trying to chase everyone else all around the map. Plus, it’s just nice to have another mount completed.

Running with the Guild

I’ve been running some events with my guild ViP when I can fit the time in (and when the internet works, which is sporadic at best) and we recently completed a bunch of meta in the latest saga that ArenaNet released. I loved every second of it – minus the final battle because the rewards were few and the fights took forever. I had a much nicer time in the ramp up events. Still, it was achievements and fun times all around. It seems like there’s always something going on, and I really like that.