Games – What’s Going on in August

Despite what the past week or so has shown, I DO tend to write about video games here, so let’s do a little update on that.

World of Warcraft – I’m “playing” but not really. I haven’t kept up with content or story, instead I do some pet battles and marketing bits. As much as I love World of Warcraft, and I do, the game is old and it shows. It’s comfortable, but there’s nothing innovative and I always get a little bored mid way through expansions. It happened with Shadowlands and I’m not exactly surprised that it’s happening in Dragonflight either. Don’t get me wrong, I think DF is an amazing expansion (compared to previous ones) and I’ve had a lot of fun, but it doesn’t seem to last.

Wurm Online / Wurm Unlimited – I’ve been cautious about playing much WO because I’m not exactly convinced that the ‘new’ CEO won’t completely change the game that I love and adore, so to scratch some of those WO itches I’ve been playing a bit of WU, where the Sklotopolis server is my home and I have a small deed there I’ve been working on. WO has done some great QoL changes over the years that I really wish WU would be able to pick up on, but the Sklotopolis server developers have done well given their restrictions. They can only do server side changes with the way things currently are.

FFXIV – My husband returned to this game sort of out of the blue, because two of his RL friends are playing. I decided why not, and my little bard is mid-way through Endwalker and level 86. Most of my time is still spent crafting and harvesting, but the game is lovely. I’d like to get more into housing (so far I only have an apartment) and I’m learning the markets. Having 40(60) sale slots has been an interesting restriction that I’ve been having fun working around/with.

Baldur’s Gate 3 – Like a lot of others, I picked it up just before release and then held off playing so that progression wouldn’t have to start over. I have a 4 person campaign with some friends, and a 2 person campaign with my husband. I’ve been having an absolute blast, and while I know there are some issues that hardcore D&D players take issue with, I’ve just been relaxing and enjoying the narrative. Combat did take some getting used to, but now that we’re no longer in the tutorial and we’ve been adventuring together for a bit, it’s much more fluid. I play a wood elf druid in my group campaign, and a human paladin with my husband. Probably one of my favourite games this year.

Cook Serve Delicious 3 – When I don’t want to be around people this is the game I head to. I enjoyed the previous two versions of the game, and the third one follows a pretty dark apocalyptical timeline that I wasn’t expecting, but still enjoy. I appreciate that they have a ‘chill’ mode, and it’s just been a great little game to escape to.

School (and thus homeschool) will be picking back up in September, and this time I’ll have my 7 year old son and my 5 year old daughter so spare time (and thus gaming time) will go down as I do lesson plans and all that other fun stuff. I’m also trying to dedicate a bit of free time to hobbies, so games that I can get into (and out of) quickly are usually the winners. Baldur’s Gate 3 is (right now) Tuesday / Friday nights for 2h, and everything else I just sort of rotate around. Hopefully I can continue to balance it all, but we shall see. Life doesn’t always listen to me when I ask things to go a certain way.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Learning to Spearfish!

I’ve been back in FFXIV for just over a week now, picking up with the beginning of Endwalker and meandering my way through the story. In my down time, I have always loved crafting & gathering jobs in the game, so it wasn’t too long before I learned that spearfishing had been revamped in 6.1 – and that I had not even picked it up prior to the revamp.

It’s a mini game that opens these days. You find a node much like you would with botany and mining, and you have to use your spear on fish that swim by. I thought the game was pretty fun, and a nice change from the regular fishing that I have all but forgotten how to do. I picked up a few hermit crabs that I needed for a provision mission, and a handful of other fish that I put on the auction house. I don’t have a lot of gil in game (probably one of the few games where I spend most of my time broke) but I’m trying to save up so that I can enter the housing market. We’ll see how that goes. My husband has also returned to the game, so he’s been working through the older expansions with a handful of friends, and I’m now waiting for him to catch up in Endwalker. Overall? It has been some nice casual gaming, and a perfect way to spend a few evenings.

A Heavy Case of FOMO

I have played FFXIV off and on since the start – and I have never been able to stick with it steadily for more than a month or two at a time. I have no idea why, on paper this is the perfect game for me. I have no issues sticking with other games (I played EQ, EQ2, and WoW almost exclusively for many years) but for whatever reason, I just can’t seem to do it. Every time I see people talking about this game I want to jump right back in. I want to do player housing. I want to explore the new Island everyone is excited about. I want to level all my crafters, classes, and harvesters. I want the cute transmog. I want to get invested in the lore.

I just cancelled my account last week. It has been open for a few months now and I think I logged in once. I have friends who actively play, and I have never been able to figure out why this game just doesn’t work for me.

If World of Warcraft would just add some player housing, I think it would have absolutely everything I want. I still continue to play and enjoy myself, but FOMO (fear of missing out) when it comes to FFXIV is *so* incredibly strong. I want to be a part of gaming communities, make friends, and expand my Twitch audience. That’s a difficult thing to do if you can’t seem to settle down anywhere.

For now I am pulling myself back and reminding myself that I do love WoW. That I do have an excellent community here. That there are people I’ve gotten to know and I look forward to interacting with each day. I need to find a way to be happy with myself and where I spend my time. It’s not like I don’t enjoy Warcraft, quite the opposite in fact. I just always wonder if the grass is truly greener on the other side (note, it’s not).

It’s Time for a Wedding

Two friends I’ve “known” for years online decided to partake in a bonding ceremony in FFXIV – and I was invited! It was my first time ever participating, and I took so many screenshots. I really needed this moment to remind me why I love these games and why I play. It’s the stories they create, the friendships – I love everything about it.

Congratulations Jaedia & Rini! You two are wonderful.

For a while now I’ve been going through the motions of gaming without actually enjoying games the way *I* like to enjoy them. I enjoy roleplay! I enjoy stories. I’m not much of a hack and slash person – and it’s so easy to get swept up and to forget about WHY you play. In the brief stint that I was on Phoenix (EU server) I saw so many people playing out the stories of their characters, openly, where ever they were. It was INSPIRING.

I wish I had better words to convey the satisfaction of this event from a purely ‘soul healing’ level. If you get a chance to participate and help some friends out this way – I highly recommend it.

Sporadic Posts – But I’m Here

Yikes, it has been over a month since I posted last, right after I made a personal decision to try to be better. Unfortunately life has been hectic, and some days my hands just don’t want to type so I have to decide between a bunch of things – and blogging has fallen a bit to the side.

I am still gaming, but it has been pretty limited and sporadic. I’ve been spending a little time all over the place (yay for restlessness) including: WoW, FFXIV, GW2, BDO, Wurm Unlimited, Wurm Online, and even LotRO. I’ve also been knitting, trying to keep up with my French, and drawing when I’m able to. My last post mentioned that I was working towards completing 52+ pieces this year, and I am on schedule for that and I can see myself improving, which really makes me smile. Back to the games!

FFXIV: I never played Endwalker when it came out, but I did pick it up. I didn’t realize the level cap went to 90 instead of 80, so I’ve just been taking my time and playing through the story. I am probably 0% into the MSQ so far, but my little bard has been having fun exploring the new areas. I still have dreams of one day owning a house, for now I still reside at an apartment.

WoW: Still my comfort game of choice. I’m playing two accounts in WoW. One is just for auction house stuff so that I can continue on my main account in the meantime and I’m not tied up reposting things all the time. I finally completed leveling 12 horde characters to 60 (one of each class) and I’m working on leveling 12 alliance characters to 60 (again, one of each class). It’s a bit of a quiet time in WoW, a lot of maintenance mode. I’m not enthralled with Shadowlands or any of the grinds Blizzard wants you to take part in (the grind in korthia feels exactly the same as the grind in zerith mortis) but it’s a comfortable and familiar game. Plus there are still some lovely people who work there and I do like to support them (of course I’m also paying for both accounts with gold, so it’s not THAT much support).

GW2: I just recently updated this game, I haven’t picked up the latest expansion yet and I have no idea what I was doing / thinking. So much has changed since I last played. Still, it has always been a game I enjoyed. There’s always so much to do. I appreciate that. I also like that there’s no subscription requirement and I can just support them here and there with store purchases if there’s something I want.

BDO: Still one of my ultimate favourite games of all time – because I can play it my way (randomly, afk, etc). The new winter zone was released (free content, might I add) as well as the new class (also free) and they’re releasing a new mount is coming out shortly. I still favour my Shai as my main and I spend a lot of time fishing, crafting, and leveling mounts. This game is beautiful and I rarely ever have anything bad to say about it. It’s certainly not everyone’s cup of tea, but it suits my playstyle perfectly.

Wurm: My 1st ultimate favourite game of all time. I still have an active account on the regular online servers and I check in a few times a month. I did just purchase a huge deed on one of the newer servers, but now I’m thinking of dropping it as I simply don’t have the time (or desire) to play there. I prefer the older servers, and my older characters. I keep hoping they decide to merge the north and south servers together but so far that hasn’t happened after two years and I am beginning to doubt they will ever merge them (players prefer them separate, which is understandable). I also still log in and play the unlimited version on the Sklotopolis server. There is a dedicated community and amazing developers who continue to update the game despite the fact that official support from the main game ended years ago. I have a lovely deed there, and I log in to make sure it doesn’t get disbanded.

That’s what I’m up to in gaming these days – it seems like a lot, but I’ll log in to one or two games throughout the course of a day, peek around, maybe do something for a few minutes, and then I tend to log out. It’s a combination of being too sore, too tired, and restlessness. We are planning for a cross country move soon(tm) so I don’t imagine my posting will increase in any great amount, but we’ll see.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!