
WoW September (Personal) Economy Update

Have I mentioned lately how much I’m loving the newly revamped Tradeskillmaster website? Well, I am, and the improvements keep coming. I decided to do an update for September even though I’ve only been back to Warcraft since September 23 so my ledger is a bit sparse. You can see that September 29th was a great day for sales and the rest of the week was pretty steady. I did take 1 day off from posting just to get the timing all under control (I post every 24h and it has to fit within my morning schedule, if it doesn’t then I leave it be until the next day).

The next screenshot shows how much I made per server, with my top 10 (I actually sell on 22 servers at the moment) along with the sales quantity per server. The more servers you can spread yourself over, the larger chance that *something* will sell. I (currently) sell exactly 1 full inventory worth of items on each server, and I restock once a week. The more time you devote to making gold, the higher your chance at returns – but I’ve been doing this for quite some time now, and I limit myself to 1h or so a day. One full inventory of items across 22 servers hits that threshold nicely. If I started selling more than one full inventory worth, or I increased the number of servers I was on, then the amount of time it would take me would also increase. I’m not interested in that at this point in time.

The third screenshot shows where the gold went – most of my sales comes from transmog, so weapons and armor is no surprise. In third place is recipes. I purchased some TWW recipes for my blacksmith, and she also worked on her professions for the first time this expansion, so that’s why there’s so many purchases under the trade goods category. I’ve also been doing some fishing to relax, and I’ve been selling all of that back on the auction house (I expect it will drop significantly in value a month from now). The consumable category includes the haunted memento which is the only item I sold in that category, I don’t typically deal with consumables (this is a category that Blizzard has it under).

Over all, I’m pretty happy with how September went. Old items are still selling just fine (none of the items I sell are from The War Within) and if you’re looking for big numbers, that’s where you’ll want to focus – but I focus on the long game, steady sales. I’ll leave the current expansion stuff to the big players who are devoting a lot more time to it than I am.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Ding, 77

I’ve been slowly meandering my way through the new zones of The War Within, not doing absolutely everything (yet) but taking my time and just doing things casually. I have to admit, the graphics are absolutely stunning, for Warcraft, at least. This is one of the best expansions I’ve seen as far as graphics go. They stay true to Warcraft, but you can see so many amazing looking vistas, and the skyboxes are astounding. I often just fly around taking screenshots, I’m that in love with the look of everything.

I’m not a huge fan of the nerubian race, spiders are not my favourite creature and since these ones are so incredibly well done I spend a lot of time being grossed out all together. I have upgraded all of the old gear I was wearing from Dragonflight, and I’ve gotten to the point where I needed to put my paladin into her protection spec rather than retribution because she was dying to trash fairly easily. This is something I normally do when a new expansion comes out, tanks may kill slower, but they’re almost impossible to kill.

I also picked up my fishing rod and started fishing my way through this expansion. I haven’t done anything fancy yet other than reach 300 in the skill, but I’ve looked into what can drop – I managed to land a few cosmetic pieces which is always nice. I have not figured out professions yet, I haven’t even started working my way through them or leveling any sort of reputation in a dedicated way. I imagine I’ll get to 80 first, and then work on unlocking whatever it is I need to unlock, along with working on reputation gains. There’s lots of talk in the Economy Discord about all things gold making related, but at this point in time a lot of it simply goes over my head.

The goal? Short term, reach 80 – then work on professions (and alts) from there. I’m debating whether or not I want to level everyone up with pet battles like I normally do. It might be time to just work on them in a traditional way.

As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself.

The New Tradeskillmaster

I’ve been a huge fan of Tradeskillmaster ever since I started my gold making adventures in World of Warcraft – way back in 2016. They’ve been around even before that, but for me, that’s the exact year that I decided I wanted to get into the meta game and I’ve been playing it ever since.

TSM has recently overhauled their entire website, and I have to say – HUGE – fan of these changes. They’re not perfect (yet) and there’s still some issues to work out, but as I take a look at what they’re doing I couldn’t be more excited for the future of TSM. Another big bonus is that if you were already supporting TSM with a subscription they’ve grandfathered you in to the new platinum tier for 6 months. This is a great show of faith to their customer base, and I appreciate it. Using TSM is free and always will be – but if you’re a fanatic about statistics, like I am, you may want to look at their gold and platinum subscription options.

What I’m most interested in is their updated ledger. I’ve been away from the game for a little while, and my ledger doesn’t appear to be up to date quite yet (at the time of this post it’s not picking up on my most recent sales this week, I believe there is a 3 day delay going on that is being looked into), but one of the most exciting things they’re displaying is your profit and loss across ALL of your servers. Normally, I keep track of this in a google sheet – and once it’s working as it should be, I can’t wait to see.

Another big perk to this revamp is the ability to easily see your in-game groups outside of the game. When you have a gold or higher subscription you can publish your groups and create easy-to-share links, which allow for import of the group and operations. If you’re interested in gold making at all, I HIGHLY suggest you join the WoW Economy & TSM discord (you’ll find me there as a moderator, just look for Stargrace) and spend a few days lurking around and getting familiar with the basics.

Gumdrops, Sapu, and the rest of the TSM team have been doing a fantastic job – so give it a look, and let me know what you think! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

A Return to Warcraft

It was only a matter of time before I found myself back in World of Warcraft and joining the ranks of those leveling and exploring through the most recent expansion, The War Within. The first thing I had to do was settle on a character to level – I have a lot of characters, but eventually decided that my paladin should be the first one to reach 80. I’ll (hopefully) get things unlocked and started on her, and then move to other characters as time goes on. I have a ‘core’ group that I’m using with my warband, I collect recipes and attempt to complete the main story with these 4 characters, but as always, nothing is set in stone.

I completed my first dungeon (I ran it with NPC which was much less stress and gave me an opportunity to learn the dungeon) and right now I’m questing in the Ironhaul Station area. I love the aesthetics of the expansion, so far the graphics are beautiful and though I’m only level 72 (part way through at the time of this post) things seem to be moving along quickly.

I also completed my first Delve, which reminded me a lot of the mini game solo dungeons from prior expansions. In specific the Niffen ones from Dragonflight. People seem to be enjoying themselves, and that’s always good to see. Is it enough to keep people playing long term? Well, I guess we’ll just have to see! For those of us who enjoy partaking in the various meta games that Blizzard offers (collecting, gold making, etc) there’s at least always something out there to go after.

As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself.

Day 1 of TWW Pre-Patch is ROUGH

Well, after a lengthy downtime World of Warcraft is back up, welcoming in The War Within pre-patch. Except not really. There are SO many bugs at the moment. Here’s a short list of the ones I’ve personally experienced so far.

  • Public craft orders have a blank screen (using default UI with zero addons)
  • The Warband bank is disabled until further notice (even though it’s one of the main features being promoted)
  • The login screen is now basically useless for anyone who has characters with the same name, or more than 30 characters. We can’t sort by any anything, and when I manually set my characters to an order, the game just changed it around.
  • There’s currently a fishing exploit involving the DF nets that was fixed months ago and it’s back in game
  • You can’t trade cross realm any more right now
  • You can’t remove gold from your guild bank

That’s just the small amount I’ve had to deal with. There are other changes that have taken place that are not bugs, but have greatly decreased my personal QoL – one of them is the latest changes to macros. I normally use an addon called GSE to create combat macros, which is easier on my hands when I’m suffering from a MS relapse. Macros now have incredible limitations and new rules to abide by, and GSE in specific has to be completely changed. Thankfully, I have found an active developer who worked on the retribution paladin macro, so I am up and running on that one character at least, but the others will have to wait.

There’s also the matter of raw gold being tuned upwards – is this intended? Who knows! It’s there though, so get farming before it isn’t. After a break away from game, I did the warband bank quest chain (the rest of the story arrives at a later date) and then wandered around admiring all of the bugs. Which ones have you come across? What are you doing to entertain yourself in this pre-patch? Let me know in commends! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.