
Super Squirt Coming Up

May 3rd is the next Super Squirt day for North America and I’m hoping to get the last few pets I have leveled up. I still need to turn a good portion of them rare, but that will take me a lot longer. I’m really proud of my collection, it’s one thing in world of warcraft that I really enjoy doing and working on. I’ve been collecting the trading card game pets for some time now, and I only have a few more left to get.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Wanting Something Different

I’ve been multiboxing 8 accounts for a little while now – on two different servers. The screenshot represents the statistics to one of those servers. I do a really simple farm and the problem is after doing this for some time I realize I’m not actually having fun.

Making gold when you’re not having fun is a bit pointless, it’s a video game, if I’m going to spend money playing it, I WANT to have fun. I decided it was time to take a step back and reevaluate things. What does this mean?

I’ll probably let a bunch of my multibox team lapse, honestly I’m just much happier playing 2-3 characters instead of all 8. I’d also like to look into my old methods of making gold instead of constantly relying on a vendor shuffle. The great thing about vendor shuffles is they’re guaranteed money because you’re not dealing with an auction house. The bad thing about vendor shuffles is they’re BORING. The two most popular vendor shuffles involve pants, pants from legion (requires faction to get rank 3), and pants from BFA (requires nothing except leveling). You can typically buy tidespray linen (or farm it) and buy shal’dorie silk (or farm it), craft pants, and vendor them for a profit. Anything under 2g is typically going to net you a profit under those conditions.

It’s boring. I’ve made hundreds of thousands of pants and sold them to vendor on various accounts and what I’ve come to realize is I actually want to – you know – play the game.

I only have TWO max level crafters. I used to have all of them max but the new method of having to grind faction in order to unlock rank 3 REALLY did me in this expansion. I just absolutely do NOT like this method. In order to make any profit you basically HAVE to grind on anyone who is going to be crafting.

I hate grinding.

Why do I do so much of it then? Because it’s simple and mindless.

What I’d like to do is set up some pre-shadowlands goals for myself. Things I want to get done before the pre-launch stuff happens. That includes getting everyone maxed in their specific craft of choice (it doesn’t mean getting rank 3), and maybe even leveling up a few straggling alts. I once had a dream of having 1 of every class as alliance, and of horde, and I honestly wasn’t too far from accomplishing that. I just need a warrior to finish off the alliance side, and I think I have 4 characters so far of the horde side. There are still some pets I want to get, mounts I want to unlock, and achievements I haven’t gotten yet.

I don’t NEED to farm gold, though I do enjoy it a huge amount. Honestly, with everything going on in the world lately, I’ve just been really depressed and not getting the same amount of joy that I used to from things. I’m hoping changing it up a bit might help. We’ll see.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Some RL Guilds

Yep. There’s a circular sock knitting machine society, and I decided to join it. Membership is for three years, and it doesn’t exactly provide a whole bunch, but I still think it’s pretty cool. You can find out more about them here.

I also decided to join the Saskatchewan weavers and spinners guild. Everything is on hold lately as far as get togethers due to covid, but it’s still a sense of community in these trying times.

My sock machine is put together and working fine, but there’s some learning curves to overcome. I ordered new needles, I need to order mineral oil, and it still needs a good cleaning. I could also use a better basket for it as mine is quite rusted. Once I get these issues taken care of we’ll see how she runs! I know it will take some practice.

Let’s Bee Friends

After doing a quest for Bumbles (time gated, 7 days) I finally earned enough faction to begin the REAL faction grind – delivering jelly to a Queen bee in order to obtain my honey harvester mount.

This mount has been on my to-do list since I saw it. I absolutely love it for my little gnome. I wish the horde were able to use it, but alas, they cannot. I’m still trying to figure out where I am at with my class hall mount for the monk, but I can’t seem to pick up any quests anywhere, and it’s frustrating me.