July 25, 2006

A healing touch, and quest of the week


Ellithia, my high elf templar, managed to get to level 20 today. I’m contemplating easing off of the necromancer a bit, and playing the templar more often in our little guild groups. Another healer would always be nice, and I am really a healer at heart, as most people know who have played with me before. Granted I have about 10 more levels to catch up to everyone, but I’m confident that I can do it with a little effort. Now I have to get her some level 20+ gear, or rather 22+ gear I suppose, but it shouldn’t be too difficult.

I’ve also decided that every tuesday, I’ll post a ‘quest of the week’. A particular quest that I’ve done that I enjoyed, or that had a neat reward, or that was unique in some way to me. I don’t expect others to feel the same way about them seeing as everyone has their own tastes, but I’m not exactly posting this blog for anyone else anyhow, so I’ll do as I wish (as always).

A Portrait of Destiny : Reward

Idol of Everling

I would highly suggest doing this quest and reading the lore behind the quest, if you’re an Everling fan, you’ll love it.

This is a great quest for fans of Everling lore. It starts in Nektropos Castle. Go to Pellea’s Room (-36, 0, -57) and examine the picture on the desk. It’s a picture of Everling and his daughters. (Note: you don’t get the quest until a later step, but you have to finish this step to be offered the quest.) If the picture isn’t there, wait a while and a servant will come and place it there. Now you’re going to go on a grand adventure, looking for items that belonged to his daughters.

Head upstairs to Crysta’s Bedroom and click on the picture on the wall to get the quest. It gives you a list of six items that you need to find. They’re all inside the castle. They are:

Paintbrush – Crysta’s Room – next to where you get the quest.
Wrench – Melanie’s Room – the canopic jar.
Leash – Jenni’s Room – the leash hanging on the wall.
Flower – the room below Dierdre’s Room – the shovel leaning against the wall.
Heart – Shiela’s Room – the mirror on the wall.
Sword – Castle entrance, near the necromancer – rag doll on the ground. Examine to get update.

You’re then told that you need to get six dolls that belonged to the daughters. The one you just got is the first one. The other five are:

Melanie’s Doll – Near the Obelisk of Lost Souls – -87, 91, -2227
Crysta’s Doll – Camp Leott – 134, 65, -1473
Sheila’s Doll – Gul’Thex – 699, 22, -707
Deidre’s Doll – Behemoth Pond – -215, 3, -278
Jenni’s Doll – Bear Cave – -1385, 28, -700

Head back to Nektropos Castle, go down to the basement, and talk to Alexa to open up the hidden areas. In Everling’s Research Laboratory (which is in the basement Loc – -3, -13.5, -10.5), you’ll find six spots on the floor. Right click on each to place the appropriate doll. When they’re all in place, the quest reward, an Idol of Everling, will appear in the center. It’s a nice item for your house, with a rent status reduction of 200.

Hope ya’ll enjoyed the quest of the week, a huge thank you to Gholdmoon for letting me know this quest was even out there. It was fun to do and the idol sits nicely in Silverstep’s house.