January 24, 2007

60 Sage (finally)

Faydai manages to hit level 60 sage

Finally out of the dreaded succulent root teir (on one character at least) and onto T7! I’m quite happy with that. It brings my total crafters (who also all adventure) to 70 provisioner, 66 jeweler, 60 woodworker, 60 sage 50 alchemist and 29 tailor. I really should try to grind the jeweler the last few levels it takes to level her to 70, I’ve just been slacking. That goes for the woodworker too. When you only get 1-2 recipes a level though, there’s no motivation besides grinding out guild writs which can be.. well, it’s just plain boring.

You may have noticed for the past week or so that any time you tried to log into character select directly (it may have only been an issue on Lucan D’Lere, I’m not sure) it would give a message that said “finding character (name of server here)” and instead of loading in the character of your choice, it would try to find the name of your server as a character name, and boot you to the character select screen. I found this mildly annoying as I’d much rather just log in a particular character then having to go through the log in screen and select from the 6 I have. Today though, there was a small download to fix that (finally). The Eq2 servers have been awful lately. There’s speculation that it’s due to Vanguard servers coming up in preparation for the big opening day, but I’ve really no clue. Most have experienced excess lag, and just little weird bugs going around. It’s all of these small annoyances though that eventually add up.