Tashia, level 3 wood elf Shaman

I decided to try another class last night. There’s certainly no shortage of choices. Tashia, my level 3 shaman was fun to play. The starting area was absolutely beautiful, a glade of sorts. After two fast quests they send you in further towards a city, right away. Where as my necromancer was level 5 and still hadn’t seen any cities, the shaman wandered right into it.

Diplomacy. The concept sounds like a lot of fun. I even managed to get a title by doing some of the quests, I’m now “Devotee Tashia of the Wind” (whether that’s due to her ability to blow a lot of hot air around, or some other reason has yet to be proven). It makes me feel like I’m playing Yugioh or some other card game. I know there are tactics to it, and rules, but I basically just go with my instinct and play whatever card I think will work. I haven’t figured out how to tell what card set up to go in there with yet. I typically try a few, if they don’t seem to be the right combination, I switch them out. I have 12 cards to my deck now, and can only use 5 (or is it 6?), so it’s always fun to decide which ones to play. After I got the title (and gloves that give +1 inspiration!) I decided to wander around, I had a quest for crafting.

Crafting was.. interesting. It’s complicated. Not to mention the fact that you keep seperate sets of clothing depending on what you’re doing. So not only do you have an adventuring set that allows you to kill foes, but you have a diplomacy set, and a crafting set. Each set gives you attributes for the skills you’re going to be using in that field. Ran around and got my tool belt and tools and decided to go with the one that lets you make boats and what not. Boats? I had to take a second look at that, it certainly seems fun.

Made a piece of wood! I win at life.

Basically you start the crafting process, and you’re allocated points. Each skill you need to use takes up a certain amount of points. You need to go through the entire crafting process and not run out of points before you hit the end. The more points you spend on skills (and still hit the end) the better quality the item you make is. I haven’t started harvesting yet, I’ll attempt that another time.

Still lots of bugs. At one point my screen depending on where I stood was just a mesh of black lines. When the crafting tips came up they blurred and mushed together so I couldn’t read them any more. Less lag, but shesh still a lot of bugs.

One thought on “Diplomacy and Crafting”
  1. Quests for craft a ship start at level 20+ artificer. There are diferent ships, the lower level ships are small and are for cross rivers or near shore travel, the higher level ships are big and can cross the ocean. Ships need a lot of wood to be crafted.

    Artificers can specialize to two diferent lines: carpentry (wood) and mineralogy (rock). Carpenters get quests for craft ships. Mineralogists get quests for craft houses. Carpenters will make wood items, so they can gain some money selling bows and arrow and clubs. Mineralogists can make some money selling jewels. House and ship crafting is big business, need a lot of resources for craft a small one.

    At the first ten levels a crafter will stay with the task orders. After level 10 the crafter will have the skills and recipes for craft some items will sell at market (bags, copper armor, copper weapons). I am level 14 armorsmiht and I cannot make a grade A tin armor, but I can make copper armor grade A that sells for a few silver pieces.

    So, yes, there is ship crafting in game. But need a lot of effort to craft one. It is not low level crafting, level 20 an up. My guess that smaller ships will sell for some gold pieces, the great ships will sell for platinun pieces. I said they they will need a lot of wood, didn’t? I heard something like 1000 wood for the small ones.

    To craft one is the chalenge. Not easy. Not fast. Not prone. A lot of effort. I think we will see the first small ships being made at one or two weeks, but the big ships will need one or two months. Adn if ships need tier 4 wood that will need more time, maybe 3 or 4 months. Tier 4 resources don’t come easylly, too many level 30+ mobs around, and there is no one now that have 400+ lumberjack skill.

    Diplomacy… need strategy to use that cards. Only a few players know how that strategy will work, everyone is making exactly that, “just go with my instinct and play whatever card I think will work”. You aren’t alone at that, everyone is following instint. A consequence is that sooner or later everyone find the “ubeatable” NPCs. The NPCs that no one know how to beat. IMHO, a lot of that unbeatable are beatable, need find the right strategy for win. I’d say: learn to use your rebut and repeal cards. Faith at your cards work only for Yugiho…

    There is a diplomacy channel. With luck you can get a good advice for beat the unbeatable there.

    After the newbie diplomacy exist the Civic Diplomacy. No quests at civic diplomacy, you are free to try every NPC in city or outpost. Each NPC is a traget to civic diplomacy and there are consequences…

    There is a command /flush. That clean the ram and the graphics go normal.

    Ca’ial Brael… I think it is one of most amazing cities in game. It is a killer city. Graphically and literally… a lot of low level players die all day there from jumps.

    Yes, I am rude.

    Geregor Bedstone
    cleric 12 / armorsmith 14

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