Attempted crafting, again, and got the hang of it. Almost. Until I looked at these recipes I was getting for finished products, and realized that I don’t know what the heck a ‘charlatan’s just bolt’ is. So I decided to nose around some and try to figure it out. Apparently there are special items you can buy from a goods merchant that you can use during refining, and imbue (so to speak) magical properties into the base products. However, they don’t tell you what makes what.. so to test it, I bought wisdom. It costs 2s each, expensive. Combining it allowed me to make a mystic’s jute bolt. I have no idea what the rest are stat wise, but then I can take all of those, and make that one item.Confusing! Complicated! Expensive! At least it’s expensive for me, if I look at each piece costing 2s + utilities each. I don’t even know how to make just a plain simple Jute bolt yet…. Anyone know of any crafting guides out there? Specifically for outfitter if possible. I tried doing some work orders as well, but ran out of harvested items fast. I’ll have to gather more before I attempt any more. I did get to level 4 though! Small accomplishments are always nice.

 I finally wrapped my head around diplomacy enough so that I feel fairly comfortable with it. My only issue now, is knowing what cards to use before I engage in it. How do I know if it’s a gossip conversation or any other type first? Other then that, it’s not going too poorly.

I still wish the game mechanics were better. I’m typing /flush every few minutes, been dropped randomly from the game, and horrible spurts of lag. I like it when I’m out in open places though. Harvesting as an outfitter is also much easier then my artificer. I love being able to skin my kills.

6 thoughts on “Wrapping my head Around Crafting”
  1. Hrms not sure what’s wrong with the post, it’s working fine on my end from what I see, comments and all..=/

    I love diplomacy. Just need level 10 for my free mount (from the quested 40+ diplomacy) got my saddlebags (which are so cool, an extra 12 slot container!) and various pieces of tack to help you run faster. Much fun to say the least. Crafting…. I hope to attempt in more depth tomorrow, once I have a little bit more coin on me. We’ll see how it goes.

  2. Something is wrong with your home page and that Working Along post.

    Be careful with your money and those dusts. I screwed up my final combine and got an imbued item at quality D. I was very disappointed.

    I “mastered” the jute cloth and mangled leather refining recipe; came back later and found more buttons, which allow you to refine 5 items at a time.

    Keep doing diplomacy. Once you find yourself getting a tiny bit frustrated, do something else and come back to it with a fresh mind. I found the answer to my problems each time by doing that.

    I’m on Flamehammer BTW.

  3. They all get imbued with teh same enchantment. You get 5 refined imbued with teh same enchantment.

    At tier 2 crafting (amateur) you start to get the finsihing enchantmentes. So, at tier 2 you can enchant an item at the refining and at the finishing and you can add two enchantments to the item.

    Complex, don’t? Yes, VSoH is complex.

  4. There are ways to refine more then one at a time? I’ve never seen that.. interesting.. do they all get imbued with the same enchantment? Or can I imbue each one with a different one at the same time?

    Thank you for the advice.

  5. Ok, some tips:

    1. when using the dusts at refining, make 5 jutes at same time (there are options to make one jute, 3 jutes or 5 jutes). That will share the 2 silver coust to 5 refined items you can use for craft.

    2. VSoH’s guides are recent and don’t have all information we need. The better option is look at diferent guides and try see what info you can get. A list of guides for crafting can be found at

    3. there are guides for optimization of VSoH at the client machine. I am not sure how good they work. They are distributed at diferent forums and sites, so it is a few dificult to find one now. Maybe at you find a guide for twinking your game configurations.

    Geregor Bedstone
    cleric 13 /armorsmith 17

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