Satia, in.. some sort of weird military goggles?

The above image is what happened to my screen once I’d gone through one of the ‘invisible’ zones yesterday morning, the whole screen turned to a nice bright pink, with a dark blue sky. Relogging fixed this issue, /flush failed though. It’s these issues and more that are going to hurt the population of Vanguard. When you log in at character selection, it says the population of each server. Out of the ones listed – only 3-4 are ever flagged as high, on the weekend I watched to see what it was like, no difference from the week days. I’d have expected the servers to be jam packed with people it’s only been a month since release.

Of course it’ll be interesting to see who stays once that free month of play runs out (mine should be up within the next couple of days, though I do have station access starting for both EQ2 and Vanguard as soon as it does). Etching knives work again, some saws do not. Crafting clothing was not being recognized at all. Every day there is a restart where small issues are fixed (with no patch notes, so we’re never sure what exactly is being fixed) but in all honesty, I don’t think Vanguard is going to survive. It will be a pleasant game for people to play with a small population of those who were fed up with EQ2, but I expect a majority will move on to other games. Not saying that I hate Vanguard, just that people are getting tired with paying for this beta version of the game. They could have had something really great, it’s a shame that they had to rush to release.

I didn’t play much yesterday, completed one quest and then logged off for the day. I wanted to get some diplomacy and crafting done, we’ll see how it goes.

2 thoughts on “Hrms.. that doesn’t look right”
  1. “But as for regular gameplay, they have some really good aspects going for them, they just either had the wrong people make the game, or not enough people/time to work on it.”

    The game was launched unfinished. You can google for a Brad McQuaid quote where he say that if he had more money he wasn’t launching VSoH now.

    Basically, the money dryed and they launched that game before completed.

    The strange thing, there are a lot of bugs and problems with the game, but I ever hear players saying the game is fun.

    Geregor Bedstone
    dwarf, Florendyl
    DwarvenHolt Guild
    cleric 13 / armorsmith 21

  2. I really hate the glitches and random bugs in this game. Like when you log on and off, and sometimes your chat boxes and stuff will have borders, and sometimes they won’t. That really annoys me. x.x

    But as for regular gameplay, they have some really good aspects going for them, they just either had the wrong people make the game, or not enough people/time to work on it.

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