April 19, 2007

Welcome to Beeglin’s Home Sweet Home

The dining area, completely lit up of course

I was recently asked by a friend if I wouldn’t mind helping out in the decorating of their humble abode. Of course I jumped at the chance, being an avid decorator in EQII. It’s something I’ve probably devoted countless hours to, and would easily spend a lot of money on for items. It’s my one vice. Some raid, some quest, some do both and then there’s the obsessive house item collector. So, enjoy the screen shots, I had a lot of fun putting this house together for Beeglin on the Lucan D’Lere server, feel free to stop by and visit him in this South Qeynos 3-bedroom.

A little chaotic clutter is a good thing, especially for a gnome

Every gnome needs his own little laboratory area

A little secluded area outside, perfect for lounging

More.. stuff. Gnomes have so much.. stuff..

The upstairs bedroom, complete with library

No bedroom is complete without a spa.. and bubbles!

A little vanity area, with books, food, and of course.. chaotic clutter..