Though I can’t seem to access her site, Cuppycake tagged me yesterday and I think it relates to this post, so that’s what I’ll reply to. Before I get started though, I’m going to tag Cordanim, Gaff, and Saylah. If you’ve already been tagged sorry guys!

Top five reasons why I blog:

  • I really enjoy writing. I also really enjoy EQII. After reading various sites on gaming and bloggers in general, I decided I start an EQII (MMO) specific site. I’ve had various “regular” blogs for quite some time, ranting about life in general, some with my artwork and pictures of my cat. It was natural to switch over to an MMO blog eventually.
  • I wanted a place to record my events through the MMO world. Discover a new zone? Have a bad experience with a player? Just want to rant? Everyone needs a place like that.
  • I love listening to people’s feedback. I didn’t just want a place to rant, but a small community of sorts where people could also leave their feedback. After reading some blogs for so long, it almost feels like I know the person (silly, but true!).
  • It’s therapeutic! A good way to take out my daily frustrations, without bothering a whole lot of people or creating a huge fuss.
  • It’s just plain fun. Easy as that!

    I know those answers are probably fairly boring, but hey that’s what they are none the less. Now back to the gaming!

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