April 2007

I swear it was like that when I got here..

Stargrace took a visit to Silverstep’s house.. and found her plant.. dead..?

I suppose in the world of Norrath it doesn’t differ much from real life – I can’t seem to keep houes plants alive. I’m not convinced this one is quite dead yet though. I zoned in and noticed it laying like this on the floor. Right clicking the poor thing brought up no options at all (since I am not owner of the home) and I just hoped Silverstep didnt’ stop by and notice what had happened to her beloved plant. Though I hear she keeps it pretty well fed with water and compost so who knows.

Wiggled my way into an Unrest group today, it went alright. I’m not sure if I’m picky about my tanks or what, but I can’t seem to find many that I’d trust on an instance run like that. This group was no different. I’m fairly well geared as my illusionist, and I am DPS spec’d currently. I can really pump it out. I ganked (and died) more then anyone else in the group, which encompassed a Zerker, Swashy, Necro, myself, a Warden, and an assassin. We only wiped once. Or maybe it was twice.. yeah it was twice. By the time we were done the zone I was down to 50% gear. AoE’s = bad. not the blue ones and deaths due to adds, no, just my regular aoe spells seemed to be too much fire power vs. the group encounters. I typically use them for their stunning capabilities, means the tank is taking a few less hits if I’ve got them stunned.

It was a fun run none the less, though it’s a shame that the illusionist / coercer robe dropped – since I’ve had mine for quite some time now, and no one else could use it. It went to someone for vendor trash. The paladin / shadowknight hat dropped, and someone moved their alt into the zone to claim it (an issue that should be fixed as of the next live update, since the content of your group should determine the sort of loot that drops. That’s going to be interesting).

Tonight I’m feeling slightly nostalgic and left behind, as a majority of my friends are off raiding while I.. tinker. Not that I mind crafting, but since the last raid guild I was with decided to not let me join (and I decided to no longer raid with them, after all what use is it to be good enough to raid but not good enough to join the guild) I’ve not raided hardly at all and I’m missing it, a lot. Hopefully things change though when the remainder of my guild mates (and myself included) move to Kithicor and join a new home there. We’re all excited about it and hope it goes well.

Eeks, been tagged..

Though I can’t seem to access her site, Cuppycake tagged me yesterday and I think it relates to this post, so that’s what I’ll reply to. Before I get started though, I’m going to tag Cordanim, Gaff, and Saylah. If you’ve already been tagged sorry guys!

Top five reasons why I blog:

  • I really enjoy writing. I also really enjoy EQII. After reading various sites on gaming and bloggers in general, I decided I start an EQII (MMO) specific site. I’ve had various “regular” blogs for quite some time, ranting about life in general, some with my artwork and pictures of my cat. It was natural to switch over to an MMO blog eventually.
  • I wanted a place to record my events through the MMO world. Discover a new zone? Have a bad experience with a player? Just want to rant? Everyone needs a place like that.
  • I love listening to people’s feedback. I didn’t just want a place to rant, but a small community of sorts where people could also leave their feedback. After reading some blogs for so long, it almost feels like I know the person (silly, but true!).
  • It’s therapeutic! A good way to take out my daily frustrations, without bothering a whole lot of people or creating a huge fuss.
  • It’s just plain fun. Easy as that!

    I know those answers are probably fairly boring, but hey that’s what they are none the less. Now back to the gaming!

    The Obelisk, my new best friend (now bot-free!)

    Sure, they’ve removed that access quest that was needed, but quests are still fun.. right?

    Quite a few updates ago, the access quest to the first floor of the Obelisk of Lost Souls was removed – by means of the Feerrott portal. However, if you die, you get stuck outside of the tower, and you’ll still be locked out. So it’s not *really* removed. I decided since the zone has been relatively bot-free in the early hours when I’m wandering around, it would be beneficial to finish off those access quests. I’d already finished the one that allows you to wander the bottom floor (which is still a tad bit above my defiler’s level so I’ve been holding off on that floor) and started on the outter access first thing. It helps that I have four book quests that also use some of the mobs outside in order to complete it (yawns.. 30 nightblood sentries are annoying to kill, but at least they’re gren!) and it’s been going fairly well. I’m still waiting on Soul Harvester Kul, as pictured above. Four clearings of his place holders and no sign of him yet.

    Things have changed a lot since the first time I attempted this quest with my templar, almost a year and a half ago. I remember spending the entire day just working on the outter access quest. It was a huge deal because you needed into the place for “To Speak as a Dragon”, which was used in prismatic 1.0 and “the in thing” to be working on. I was exceptionally proud when I finally completed access on her with my good friends Albrta and Eyenstein.

    So where am I headed to once I’ve completed my OoLS access quests? I’m not quite sure yet. I’m very eager to get the defiler to T6 and level 50+ although those are my most dreaded levels. They always seem to take forever, no matter if I am a crafter or an adventurer. I’m thinking of working some court faction though, and completing DoF quests like Godking and other things I have not touched in quite some time. It should be fun none the less and I’m actually looking forward to it. I am not grinding away needlessly, nor am I in such a rush that I can’t enjoy things. Also looking forward to posting more house screen shots, of my own home this time. Maybe I can pick up a few odd jobs decorating!

    Welcome to Beeglin’s Home Sweet Home

    The dining area, completely lit up of course

    I was recently asked by a friend if I wouldn’t mind helping out in the decorating of their humble abode. Of course I jumped at the chance, being an avid decorator in EQII. It’s something I’ve probably devoted countless hours to, and would easily spend a lot of money on for items. It’s my one vice. Some raid, some quest, some do both and then there’s the obsessive house item collector. So, enjoy the screen shots, I had a lot of fun putting this house together for Beeglin on the Lucan D’Lere server, feel free to stop by and visit him in this South Qeynos 3-bedroom.

    A little chaotic clutter is a good thing, especially for a gnome

    Every gnome needs his own little laboratory area

    A little secluded area outside, perfect for lounging

    More.. stuff. Gnomes have so much.. stuff..

    The upstairs bedroom, complete with library

    No bedroom is complete without a spa.. and bubbles!

    A little vanity area, with books, food, and of course.. chaotic clutter..

    Ding… again!

    Misako in Big Bend, after a few new levels

    I’ve been trying to level a few of my lower level characters, without over doing it. Still also getting over a nasty flu bug that I just can’t seem to shake for some reason. Drinking lots of tea on the recommendation of a friend. So yesterday my dirge managed to hit level 46, making her way through Obelisk, which for once was not crammed full of bots. Go figure. I typically play early morning, I find that in the afternoons, or any time after lunch actually the zones start to fill up and things get a little crowded. I like to play quietly when I’m boxing, without having fight with other people for encounters. So the dirge got her levels and I was happy of course. I’m not sure if I’ll leave her as a dirge or follow through to troubador but we’ll just see how it goes.

    The defiler was sitting on a day or two of rested experience. Still not quite enough for a full level, but oh well. I decided to box her along with the 70 shadowknight around Obelisk, it was morning and I was fairly sure not too many people would be around. I was right. I didn’t have much luck with drops, the defiler seems to have bad luck or something (I had found a level 46 necromancer pet that I sold for 10p, even though it gets an upgrade at 60.. and another necromancer temporary pet that sold for 5p…) however, something even better then any loot I could find, was book quests.

    There are numerous mob-dropped only book quests in Obelisk. I’ve completed a few on Silverstep, however lost those books when she lost her house. The books are tradeable, and of course the quests give aa plus the nifty house item. Yesterday one dropped that I’d already had drop a few times. Today, four dropped, three of which I’d never seen before. I was happy to say the least. I’m adding a lore / book section to my site, and so doing these quests and posting them as well as posting the lore from the book itself is going to be a big deal to me. I’ve always loved house items (obsessed? Yes!) and these are no different. I really wish the starters would drop from the body drops instead of chest drops. There are so many quests I’ve missed out on due to this “feature”.

    The guild has been in a fluster as well. Free server transfers are presumed to commence on the 30th of April. We’ve had fun looking for a new raid home, and have found one (we think) on Kithicor. Where are my fellow bloggers from again server wise? Always looking to say hi to one or two (or three or four!) I know my posts aren’t always that informative, but I do try. Along with these server transfers, is the newest Live Update, happening on the 25th of April. They’re adding some very handy new things, such as quest sharing.. which has been a long time coming. A new mount (not so excited about that one) and a fix to the fabled loot that drops in raids that no one can use (I can’t count the number of times I’ve cried seeing some fabled set gear get transmuted because there was no one on the raid to wear it). SoE seems to be listening to the players as of late, and it’s been great. I know we’re all itching for new content, and it’s been far too long since we’ve all seen the level increase, but at least the other little things are being fixed and worked on, there’s some hope yet.