May 10, 2007

The Heritage Quests Continue

Goudia Is’Gouda, ratonga dirge, is waiting patiently for Stiletto

Yesterday was a good day for HQ’s, in between dealing with some real life stuff I completed six HQ, four on Misako, and two on Goudia. I started the Jboots but after the first two races was feeling tired and decided to go to bed. That one will have to wait until later today. It’s been nice being able to do the HQ’s on both characters at the same time, for pretty much double the guild exp I’d normally get. The guild reached level 7 last night, with Lader picking up a courts raid. That raid always gives an insane amount of guild status.

Speaking of the guild, Cordanim joined the ranks! Ignore his whole comment about peer pressure, I did no such thing! Shadowgeist and I met him quite a way back on Najena, we were at one point in time all in the same guild. Of course things change and guilds changed and then I ended up on Lucan D’Lere, people switched games for a bit and came back, Cordanim took a break from the game for some time and just recently started getting back into things. With the free server transfers ending at midnight, I suggested he move to AB and join the newly formed Torrent Knights, he boxes as well and I know he’s an avid alt-o-holic not to mention crafter. I also know with his young boys and wife that he’s very much a family man and not looking for something big and uber or hardcore, TK would be a perfect fit. Not to mention I’d get to add one more friend to the ranks, it was most certainly a win win situation. As he talks about on his post community is everything in an MMO (to me at least).

I also found out that Cuppy moved to AB! Being just one of many fans of her blog, I’m glad to see her there, along with some of her friends and guildies.

I’m looking forward to some new adventures, last night my 59 defiler hit 65ap on an Acadechism run, I was hoping maybe something useful would drop but I swear if I didn’t have bad luck I’d have no luck at all. I’ve been mentoring down for the HQ turn ins, that helps quite a bit. Going to attempt to do the manastone and glowing black stone HQ’s today, not holding my breath though as Varsoons is typically pretty heavily camped later on in the day and that’s when I’d be headed to the zone. The defiler needs her manastone fairly badly, and hey, guild status is guild status after all. As a side note, good luck to Dalven on his new server Najena, I hope his guild is everything he wants it to be and he has fun with his friends, new and old.