Stargrace sitting inside the Temple of Life, located in North Qeynos

It was a quiet Monday, and I love those sorts of days. I asked a favour of Cordanim and was able to use his 41 carpenter (now 42) to make myself some bookshelves. I redesigned the library in Stargrace’ house, taking up an entire wall with a combination of small ash bookshelves and larger teak ones. Spaced them with burlap rugs between two layers, giving it a bit of a lip. I’ll post some screen shots once I’ve added more books to the collection, because right now the shelves are looking slightly bare. Reminds me that I have 18 more L&L books to complete (groans). It was hard enough doing them on Silverstep (now renamed to Arysh). I leveled the little carpenter to 42 in order to make the shelves I needed, then of course promptly ran out of crafting supplies.

Tonight decided that I’d do a little farming, but quickly grew bored of it. I decided to do some guild writs for status. Now, I typically love writs. I have one large issue with them though, and that’s the down time between them. Because once you’ve completed them you have to go all the way back home to get more. If you’re not one of the lucky few classes who can odyssey or port themselves around, that’s a long way back home after 15 minutes or so of writ work. I’d love to get a lot of writs done in order to work my faction with each of the Qeynos sections, but at +150 a writ, and such a long wait between them, I find myself discouraged. Even if I just did 1 set a day I suppose that would be better then none. There are some nice unique house items if I only had the patience.

2 thoughts on “A fairly quiet Monday”
  1. Ah trust me you are not alone in your love for harvesting hehe. I have 7 crafters, I store resources from each teir in boxes in their bank (since there’s 8 slots for boxes each one is a teir and the 8th one is for “other”)… it’s an obsession that we share *grins*

  2. Completely agree about writs stargrace. I picked up 4 writs to kill Scalebourn Sentries yesterday, and completed my kills in like 5 mins flat. All good – but I was hardly going to recall back to Qeynos to have to track all the way back to KoS to rinse and repeat. I have heard people say that you used to be able to pick up more than one writ from each faction at a time. I don’t understand why it was changed and we are limited to only one at a time.

    I look forward to seeing the screenshots of your renovated library. I am afraid that you might think me strange when I let it slip about how much I love farming for resources – I can do it for hours on end. Quite handy for feeding my tradeskilling habits :)

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