June 3, 2007

350 Tinkerer.. finally.. and the Town Crier

One of the main reasons I wanted my “main” Stargrace to be a tinkerer, who wouldn’t want feign death

First of all, I forgot to mention this earlier this week, but congratulations to Cordanim and also to Time Sink, for being featured along with this blog in the Town Crier! I meant to write about it when I first saw it but it completely slipped my mind, go figure. The past few nights have been filled with raids, and when they’re not filled with raids, with power leveling people for the new guild I’ve joined. More about that later.

Today was a blissfully quiet day. I got to work on my own tradeskills and I enjoyed doing it. Stargrace had been sitting at 224 tinkering for quite some time. I knew if I could just grind my way through the tier (5) that it would be smooth sailing with T6/T7 since the supplies are so low to purchase. It took a few hours, but I did it. Stargrace is finally a 350 tinkerer. Which lets her use / make a handful of items that I adore. One of them is the feign death machine shown above. It’s better then the shadowknight;s version of feign death, and makes me feel like a necro. I also get a mem-wipe item, handy for raids. I can make a hover device, and the mender bot. Have I mentioned I love tinkering?

There seems to be a new fade with higher end raiding guilds, and I’m not particularly keen on it. Instead of trying to find classes someone needs for a raid, for example a bard. They (the guild, leaders, officers) have members who are already a part of the guild, make those needed classes and set aside their mains, for “the good of the guild”. This does a few things. Number one, it leaves people with a whole lot of alts, and number two it allows a raid to just insert <random class here> out of convenience instead of letting people play what they actually want to play. There’s a few people who stick with the classes that they started with at the beginning of the game, but about 90% of everyone I know has at least one other level 70 alt or high 60’s. They don’t play them in raid guilds because they want to, but because they’re asked to.

I’ve always said that I envy people who only have one “main”. It’s hard to have four level 70’s. It LOOKS fun, but it’s not. It’s hard to do the same quests over and over. To afford masters on each one of them (I’ve been lucky there) and numerous other annoyances. It’s difficult to be asked to play a specific character on a raid and then wish you were playing your other character. Anyhow, rambling here. I’ve been tired this weekend and hopefully tomorrow’s post is a little more coherent and not so drab.