June 4, 2007

Unrest, and uh.. what was I doing again?

Dasie in Unrest, one of my smoothest runs ever, no wipes, and no deaths for her at least (or the tank)

No raids on Mondays, so it was a nice casual day again. Well, it was supposed to be at least. I’m slightly frustrated in game, a combination of real life and in game things creating stupid moods that I’m sure will go away before too long. In game, I’m annoyed by little stuff. I think I am just not used to being in a guild again, and it will be a period of adjustment. The people are wonderful, I have no real issues there. I’m trying to be as friendly as I can back, and still do what I like to do in game, which is typically solo. I pretty much do what I want when I want, with the exception of raids. One thing I wish more people did was dedicate a little more time to “mains” instead of alts. Everyone is busy working up alts currently, and I understand the need for them and the benifits that come with being able to swap them in and out at raids, but what about all of the important quests that a main has typically done as opposed to an alt.

Brock’s thermal shocker is actually one of these really important quests especially if you’re doing EoF raiding. Why? Because the thermal shocker is the exact distance you need to stand away from the 2nd last named in Freethinkers, and lets you avoid the two AoE’s. Don’t sell it to vendor, you can hotkey and use it from inventory, and it does 1k dmg or so (two hits) so keep it! There are of course plenty of other quests that mains typically do that alts do not. The Qeynos Claymore is another. When I think of all the time I spent on my fury, only to have her stashed aside now for my illusionist, it can make me ill. My fury has her DT access, and her Claymore. She also has her Chel’Drak ring. My illusionist, has not even started DT access, she has one more quest to finish in SoS for Claymore. She’s got her Chel’Drak ring at least. She’s missing a lot of L&L still, where as the fury has all of hers completed. Is the illusionist any worse off as a raider for not having these things completed? Nope, she can do her job either way, but that’s the difference between a main and an alt – the illusionist would be a better raider with these things completed. I know some can manage to get it done on everyone, but guilds typically do mass claymore updates far and few between and for mains. I have not seen very many AoAx2 runs, or SoS grinds for Claymore updates for alts.

I got to talk to Kilanna before she had to rush off to work this morning, it was nice. That’s another thing I sort of miss, my little guild with people that I was quite close to. Not that I can’t also learn to get close to the folks in my new guild, but anyone who knows me realizes that I’m fairly quiet and keep to myself in game, I do my own thing, and I enjoy it that way. I do group up, but not constantly. Sorry if that comes off as being harsh, it’s just the way I play this game though as it’s going on three years now. I’ve been raiding for so long and seen end game content that I don’t feel the same excitement as other people maybe.

Anyhow, again, enough of my rambling and ranting. Unrest was fun in any case. The warden (67) in group did die a lot from one shots. They got their class hat upgrade. The cloak of unrest is currently selling for 100p on AB for looting rights, and that also dropped, the necromancer in the group won the roll (I declined, since Dasie is just an alt and she doesn’t need it). The assassin / ranger breastplate dropped, but no one needed that. Nothing else of any importance dropped, but it was still a nice clean run at least.