June 22, 2007

It’s always nice to be home

Niagara Falls, pretty to visit, but it’s good to be home

One of the (many) pictures I took of Niagara Falls, the picture is of the Horse Shoe Falls, on the Canadian side. It’s roughly a 6-7 hour drive to get to the falls, left really early. The hotel room wasn’t ready so we spent a few hours wandering around. Everything is of course very expensive. The hotel over looks the falls, and is within walking distance easily. Just as an example of how expensive things are, if you want a room that over looks the falls themselves, it’s $150 more expensive then the exact same rooms on the opposite side of the building that over look the city. Go figure. I had a blast though. We did the walk beneath the falls because it’s just one of those things that you have to do, and spent the rest of the time sight seeing. There were people everywhere even though tourist season hasn’t officially started yet. The weather couldn’t have been more beautiful.

It was nice to come home, Princess was trying to sneak herself into my suitcase before we left, poor thing couldn’t come along on this trip. We actually made it home early enough to attend raids on Deathtoll, and I’m happy I went, as plate greaves (relic pants) dropped. They were a huge upgrade to Dasie, who was wearing the quested legendary ones from Loping Plains. The new ones add 62 points to one of her direct heals, and also have 150 power vs. the 50 power of her old ones. Deathtoll itself was a little.. messy. To say the least. We’re missing one of our key dps’ers and that makes a huge difference. Even with almost perfect group set ups people seemed to be slightly off. We wiped a few times on the splitting drake, and we wiped once on Tarinax himself. People were either standing in the wrong spot, or not curing their dot’s because they were getting hurt badly. Of course the more people who die the worse the raid goes because the encounter spawns adds for everyone who dies. Some guilds mez, some guilds burn the adds. We need dps to burn those adds. If the dps is dead, and we’ve got multiple encounters up.. well, yeah. It’s pretty self explanatory.

Sword of Destiny, rewards were posted. Legendary and fabled. I am exceptionally excited about them to say the least. The legendary healer item is a 1h hammer with +75 to heals. The stats are not that amazing, it’s +20 wis +100 power and I think stam. The fabled one of course has better stats, and on hostile spells it also proc’s a life tap. Very worth it for Dasie to complete. If I were a mage, I’d be pissed off. Their staff is 2h and it also adds +75 spell dmg, but for a 2h item it just doesn’t seem worth it. Especially since for illusionists / coercers you can’t even use a 2h item with their spell chain line — they are removing the fact that you need off hand free for *some* of the aa lines, but I didn’t see anything mentioned about perpetuality, only for the other portions of the same chain. I suppose we’ll just have to see how it goes.