Meet Bork, the newest addition to Stargrace’ home

Some times it’s nice to spoil yourself, even if it is just in a video game. The way I look at it, people worry about money constantly in real life. In a video game, it’s nice not to worry. So what if you can’t afford that master, it’s not life and death. Oh well if you can’t quite buy that new shiny thing on broker. Just like in real life, I enjoy rewarding myself in game. So. When I saw the little gem above being sold for 25p, I set aside whatever masters I thought I should get for Dasie, and decided to buy it instead.

Yes, that’s right, I bought a baby dragon house item for 25p. Do I feel badly about it? Of course not! I have no qualms paying that amount of money for a house item that is rare and typically goes for anywhere from 50-100p on most servers. Spells will get upgraded with expansions, but this baby dragon will be around in Stargrace’ house for a long time (or at least until she moves and some how it gets bugged, or whatever). Of course, after I bought it one of my friends told me he would have given me his had he known….. but that’s a matter for another day. It doesn’t leave me broke, and I can still buy any masters that I may need for Dasie (she’s actually only missing three that I care about to any degree, that’s not too shabby) over the course of the next few weeks. I used to have a baby dragon and I ended up selling it one day when I was broke. I regretted it ever since, so I’ll be sure that this time around I don’t end up doing that.

Today was Halls of Seeing. It was going to be Freethinkers, but the guild is going through a few changes, and a lot of people have been missing. We were down to 5 healers, which is astounding considering we had 9 healers on our last Freethinkers raid. I realize in the summer that things are slightly inconsistent, but dang that surprised even me. We did well on the zone, Dasie died twice I forget what she died to. She also got a very nice earring upgrade, and I was pleased about that. With her relic pants she’s sitting at a little over 6,300 power self buffed, which is great for an inquisitor who does not buff wisdom at all, nor do they buff power. There are of course a few more things I’d like for her. I have been trying to farm Valdoons for the earring that drops there to no avail, the zone hates me what can I say. I also need to complete her music box from poets palace, and she needs a few odds and ends in adornments. As soon as SoD is released I’ll get to work trying to finish that off so she can get a sparkling new hammer. Aside from Claymore, I’m quite happy with her. It will of course take time to build her up properly, as it does any character.

Chattered some to Kilanna today, which was nice as always. Cordanim should hopefully be coming back to game soon, he’s been busy with real life stuff. I also managed to get a level of alchemy done on Yamini, been a while since I’ve done any crafting or harvesting. The problem with raiding, some times once you start you find yourself with very little time left over. I did a quick halls of fate group today, helping some guild mates out with experience. All in all, a fairly good weekend.

5 thoughts on “Some times it’s nice to spoil yourself..”
  1. I’ve always regretted that I didn’t grab the collectors edition of EQ2 when it was first released. I have yet to obtain a baby dragon of my own and am deeply jealous of your purchase :-)

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