July 2007

Sword of Destiny


Dasie in Freeport, brandishing the new legendary reward from SoD

Yesterday was a long day. I mean, a very long day. I went out for a bit of it, and then Shadowgeist, Kandrial, and I decided that we’d try to push through as much of the Sword of Destiny chain of quests as we could. We had high aspirations of finishing the entire thing, and with a few guild mates who joined later in the evening (a huge thank you to Panache and Thunderwalker) we completed the entire legendary version of the weapons.

It has 10 less power, and 4 less wisdom then the weapon she was currently wearing. However, it can be adorned (for now) and that means I can add another +40 heals to it, for a total of +115 to every heal. That’s a huge amount on one weapon. The “typical” healer weapon (for lower-end raiders) is the Godking weapons due to the power regen, but the +115 to heals will far out weigh that one, plus the dmg rating is better as well as the power and health. On longer fights it may be suggested that our healers (those who currently use Godking) switch out, if needed. I’d like to see all of the healers in guild with this, though I know quite a few are opposed to questing and I won’t lie, this one is a fairly annoying one. The first portions are not so bad. Some busy work. When you get to the Mistmoore Catacombs portion and the Kaladim portion, you’re dreading it a small amount only because of everyone else crammed into the zone. When you start the Castle Mistmoore portions, you’re beginning to doubt why you even started the quest to begin with. After the first portion which is just running and clicking things through the zone, you’re pretty much pulling your hair out. Then you kill some of the 9 named you need (place holders count) and you are waiting for the x2 to spawn (raids do NOT get updates for this quest except for the one x2 you need).

In the end, is it worth it? Well, in my opinion yes. However I basically did the entire quest in one day, and that is something that I do not suggest for people to do. My group was lucky, we joined forces with another group who was on the exact same parts. We had exceptionally knowledgeable people who lead us around, we took turns each disbanding our raid to go after the named / ph’ers we needed. We died, a lot. It was easily a 45g repair bill night. We used a mendor bot in fact. We were all very seasoned raiders who were attempting this as well.

The quest line is beautiful, the New Tunarian Throne instance was just stunning (I’ll post screen shots of it later) and now I’ve got the ability (if my guild ever manages to raid it) to upgrade to the fabled version by completing the raid instance. I think that will be a while, but in the mean time the weapon is pretty dang nice.

Dasie’s 2-room house.. (for now)




What house is complete without a wonderful fire place…

The dining area, some apples, good ale, a few paintings

The bathing area… gotta have lots of flowers.. soft lights. Tunarian alter sorta fits..

From the front door, you can look up and spot Dasie’s loft, stairs leading upwards

A better view of the loft. It’s got a row of book shelves, and some comfortable seating

The house still needs a lot of work, it needs books and nick nacks to make it a home (every home is that way) but it’s a good start. There’s a small bedroom area with the bathing section, but I didn’t want to flood with screen shots. Plus I’m contemplating moving her into a 5 room home instead of the 2 room, so who knows. She’s already at 150 or so of her 200 house item limit, and two rooms is not quite enough for what I’d like. Idealy, I’d like each one of my characters to have their own homes with items particular to each one.. it looks like I may be able to do that. I love being able to access a carpenter when I need one, I’ve spent so much money on house items in the past. At least now it’s just the rare collectable stuff that I can buy and not the actual furniture items.. (if that makes sense) Misako needs a house yet, and perhaps Goudia and Yamini, I have not decided.

In game, last night raids were cancelled, I was not exactly heart broken over it. The MT and the MT defiler were having huge connection issues, going LD quite frequently. We were also missing a lot of our core players. For the loot we’d have been attempting to get (LoA or Halls) it would just not have been worth it. We would have had a shadowknight main tank (nothing at all wrong with that) and the guild is not used to that. They’d have to adjust on the spot for the different tanking methods each class uses and so I suggested we just call the raids and give everyone a night off to do as they wish. Which meant I worked on SoD. I finished the Kaladim portion and I’m now on the part where I need to kill a few named in the catacombs, and then after that I’ve got to kill a few named in the castle. . . Someone else want to do that stuff for me? LoL. I actually upgraded Dasie’s weapon yesterday and I’m not so certain if the SoD is an improvement. The fabled version of course will be, but the legendary will depend on whether or not they were flagged as ornate.

Today is Canada day, so I’m off for a few hours and then hiding in the house. I live in the capital of Canada (and no, that’s NOT Toronto.. Toronto is just the capital of Ontario) so there are going to be literally millions of people down town for the festivities. Fire works tonight that I’ll listen to since I don’t want to be in the crowds.