August 4, 2007

Are you leet? My Bow Crits told me I am…


A screen shot that I just couldn’t pass up, when I crit with the troubador for 1337…

The past few days have been hectic and a whole lot of fun. Goudia (the troubador) hit level 62, she’s pretty close to 63. Along with new skills, came new upgrades. Lots of upgrades. She can wear her mystic orb of the invoker (procs are awesome), not to mention I made her two new dollies, bought a full cheap set of melodic armor until she can wear her upgrades, bought a new weapon (or two) added some cheap adornments (+int) and at level 63 the little ratonga bardling is sitting at 430+ int, and 350+ agi and str. Oh, and she seems to have landed a few (8) master spells… wonder how that happened…

Along with Thunderwalker and Shadowgeist I managed to complete my RainCaller bow, which was a nice upgrade (until I hit 64 and then my bow from Grizzfazzle is more of an upgrade). Aside from the massive levels (all around, not just Goudia, Gerbil hit 64 and Xoolander hit 56) I had some time to work on Misako’s house, do some farming (wow, notice those rares anyone?) and a couple of other small things. Monday is a holiday here in Canada (Civic Holiday, for those wondering) so it should be some more fun tomorrow.

The only bad part about getting my bow HQ done was that now I have a huge inclination to play my ranger. Who gets not only the joys and fun of the bow, but can also use poisons, something my little troubador has to go without. So who knows, she may be next on my list of alts to level up. In the mean time, I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! Oh, and one more thing. THANK YOU. Those three people know who they are! You all make this game amazing.