August 5, 2007

Misako’s 5-room (Freeport)


A work in progress of course, but a picture of the nursery, complete with crib (unrest collection finally done!) and a jack-in-the-box. It has the same graphic as the city merchant cube, however it’s slightly larger, and it also plays music if you right click it. The collections are the Estate Mementos (crib) and Cursed Objects (Jack-in-the-box). I paid a few plat to get the last few items I was missing for these two collections, but they were well worth it.

The kitchen and bar area is finally done, I love the way it turned out. Added that second hanging lamp for some colour. There’s another lamp along the counter but the light is picky for some reason and only shows if you get a little closer. The new Xegonite bowls make fantastic sinks.

A comfortable living space just off of the nursery. The shelves are quite bare for now but it’s a work in progress after all. I love the new vale furniture they added to game, gave things a real nice look. The house is of course a huge work in progress, but I’m happy with the way things are going. With these three rooms done I’m below half of my used item limit, which is always a good thing. The majority of the book quests out there don’t use any house space so I can add to the collection and not worry about hitting her limit. I’m unsure of what I want to do for the remainder of the space, but I’m sure it will come to me slowly. I’d like to try to get her an easel but they’re going for a few plat now since they’re no longer in game. We’ll see how it goes!