August 7, 2007

It’s a whole lot of crafting..


And, the baby bard gets herself another proc item….

Another fairly busy weekend in game, Monday was a holiday, so that was nice. First of all, Goudia hit 63 which means two more levels and she’ll have her 65 rare spell, which of course I am really looking forward to it. It’ll be nice to hit 70 but not in a rush, enjoying some of the game a bit (again). Aside from that, and a few deaths, I spent a whole lot of time this week crafting gear / spells / jewelry for Darcyle who’s got almost as many alts as I do I think. We’re talking 21+ items which of course I had a blast crafting. If you play on the Antonia Bayle server you probably know who they are, and have heard them in channels from time to time. They’ve got quite the reputation. However. I don’t typically listen to that stuff. When someone pisses me off (as a few have done now) I will hold a grudge against them. Or if they hurt a friend of mine. However, since I am still fairly new to the server very few people are on that list. I’d rather not be narrow minded and shut people out before I even get a chance to get to know them, does that make any sense? Probably not.

In any case. Trying to decide who I’ll level up next. I’ve got the troubador almost at 70, the uhms ranger I’m thinking maybe? Who knows.

Preparing for RoK, trying to make some coin. Working on the houses, getting the rest of my set gear, maybe working claymore. Boring stuff eh? I know. Thunderwalker has his Gerbil sitting at level 65 now, rift is absolutely amazing (I have not seen it I just take his word for it), Xoolander hit 58 last night. The guild levels are slow but doing writs is fun. . . Yes, that’s right, I just said they were FUN. Honestly I don’t have too much else going on right now while I ponder whether or not I want to join a new guild and get into the raiding scene again. It’s not difficult with this many alts. I’ve been restless in game, go figure, nothing new there either.

I sent some tells to Jerrek yesterday, after reading his blog (again) and remembering (finally) that he’s on the AB server. Spent some time talking to Kilanna, and just had a very nice pleasant quiet day. Do I miss the drama from Inquisition? Nope. Lader and Thunderwalker do not either. Lader’s having a blast in JoTo, which I’m so glad to see. We’ll see where I go from here.