August 14, 2007

Ack, another TWO hours?!

Oh ewies.. Just read this over at the eq2players forums..

The scheduled maintenance for today has been extended for another 2 hours in order to make sure everything goes right.

While I am a huge fan of seeing things fixed, and seeing things done properly.. that’s 10 hours EQ2-less… *twitch*

Questing.. and more Questing..and more..


Just out of interest, I checked out my 4 level 70’s to see where they were at quest-wise

So the image above is my four level 70’s (I have 10 characters that I consistantly play) and where they stand in their quest rankings. Since I know my characters, it’s not difficult for me to tell the order they go in. The first character listed is Stargrace the illusionist. She ranks 33rd for questing illusionists on Antonia Bayle. I spent some time checking the leader rankings and the top characters don’t even play any more. The second one, with the least amount of quests, is of course Misako. She was power leveled through most of her EQ2 levels, and I’d done very few quests on her. Stargrace has her MoA and important quest lines, Misako has barely done anything. Most of her questing was done in the smaller levels, before I started power leveling her. The third one listed, is Dasie, the inquisitor.

Now Dasie has the most quests completed of all (and also ranks 33rd for quests completed by inquisitors) and there’s a good reason for this. She was my very first character ever in EQ2 (although she was actually named Qutey at the time before I moved her through a bunch of servers). She hasn’t done a whole lot of the newer quests. She does have her SoD, but she does not have claymore. She does have her MoA but does not have Godking. She hasn’t actually done a lot of collection quests (which count towards your total quests on Eq2players, but not on the total if you look in game).

The final one listed is of course Arysh, my fury. She was my “old main” for the longest amount of time. She also has her claymore, MoA, and Godking all completed. Those are long chains of quests and they make a good portion of the total counts. There are a lot of fury on the server, so being 71st in the rankings is not that bad (the rankings include characters of all levels by the way, not just level 70).

So that’s 2,527 quests from my four “main” characters. Lets see about the rest of them…

  • Qutey – 226
  • Faydai – 281
  • Ishbel – 101
  • Goudia – 378
  • Sensual – 60
  • Yamini – 152

So that’s 3,725 quests completed, not including the 20+ characters I’ve gotten to 20-30 and then deleted. Wow. I’m not sure whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Although – there are over 4,000 quests in game. So I’ve not even reached the number that some single characters have. There are of course quests that people gravitate towards. Like the tome quests if you’re big on books for your home. L&L for the mastery smites and house items. The “big ones” like heritage quests and signature quests. How many people actually spend time doing any of the smaller “lesser known” quests though. . . .

Still taking it Slow


More time with Qutey, the monk – who still has her experience disabled

I still wasn’t in the mood to do anything with my “mains” yesterday, but I’ve been having a whole lot of fun on my baby monk and exploring the old zones and doing the baby quests. Her rankings are not that impressive for a level 24 character, except maybe the “quests completed” section, I’m quite happy with the 226 quests completed (for monks, on Antonia Bayle – ranking 694th so far). Why bother even checking these statistics out? Well, it gives me a little bit of a goal. For example, what if I were in the top 100 of top questing monks on Antonia Bayle. I’d like that I think. It’s a little bit of weird, simple, competition, and a goal that I can work towards (slowly). Of course now that I’ve posted this I expect all the other monks out there to suddenly develop their questing sides and I’ll have a hard time getting above the 500 mark. Serves me right though!

Down time is 8 hours today, so I’ve spent it going through old screen shots, and contemplating designing a signature for my characters. Perhaps re-designing the blog layout, though I like the one I’ve got I’d like a custom header I think. The kitty is passed out on the ottoman beside me in her usual spot. One of the fun quests I did yesterday (that didn’t involve camping boring named in Blackburrow.. ew..) was the Firemyst gully access quest. Once I’d completed it I decided to give the zone a shot. There was a quest in the zone to give me a very cool dw weapon that has a proc vs. undead. Of course at level 24 I had out grown it (though it was still a level 19 quest / reward) so I mailed it to an alt to sell. I managed to invis through the zone to light the signal fires I had to click — however the final one was right at the foot steps of a level 20^^^ heroic, Galintari the Apocryphal, and they were not pleased with my intrusion. So, I discovered another reason why I love monks. Even though mine is only level 24 and her adept3 FD gives her a 65% chance to succeed, I ran up the front stairs, directly in front of the named, and feigned. It worked. Whew. Then while I was feigned I clicked the final signal fire I needed for the update. I wasn’t quite big enough to handle the named alone yet.

I also picked up skeleton L&L from the Tower of Bones in Darklight Woods, and werewolf L&L as well. I find Qutey is still getting too much experience from her quest turn ins (I did manage to clear out a whole lot of grey ones she still had though, and got 2% a turn in or so at her level) and I know I could suicide on her and rack up a whole lot of debt in order to slow down the quest experience, but I’m not keen on that idea. I really dislike having debt.

Four more hours of down time… expect a few more posts.