August 20, 2007

And down goes another Avatar


Eidolon takes down the Avatar of Hate – another smooth kill!

I was lucky enough to be wandering through when the Avatar of Hate was up, and got a chance to watch the battle. Another avatar fight that I’ve never seen before, so it was pretty exciting for me. It’s a little hard at times to figure out what is going on, but I got the basics down. The most amusing part was watching people from other servers throw insults at the raid as they were attempting to take down the mob. I never really understood that, after all, what’s the big deal. It doesn’t make you any better of a person, and it certainly doesn’t affect the raiding guild any. So to the Dissolution member who was there (may want to hide your alts) you really didn’t accomplish too much except making yourself look like an ass. It’s ok though, it happens.

The zone ended up crashing on the second pull, have to love it when that happens. It does happen though. At least it was at the beginning of the fight (or so a friend told me, it could have been worse!). I had a lot of fun watching it. Not sure why I enjoy it, but I do.

I worked on SoD today. It was painful. I managed to get part of the New Tunaria ones completed, but they’re slow and annoyingly painful. It’s bringing back all of my memories of the first time I completed the chain of quests on Dasie. Not something I wanted to go through again – but sort of fun in a weird twisted way for Goudia. I have a lot of quests to work on, I still haven’t even completed to speak as a dragon – although I’ve got the quest starter I just haven’t felt like running around picking up runes. Especially since I already am going to have to run around picking up statues for SoD. Maybe I can hold off (or catch up) and get them both at the same time. So I’ve got SoD, Claymore, and I’d like DT access, then there’s the dps earring from lesser faydark that I want to complete, and a few other odds and ends. We’ll see how it goes. Maybe some motivation and inspiration to play Goudia. I also really want to work her crafting levels up, but it’s difficult without any vitality, even with the experience from writs.

A Little bit of Kindness, goes a long way


Spoiled rotten Goudia, got herself three new pretties..

This probably sounds very egotistical of me, but there’s really no other way to word it, and I think plenty of people follow this rout. I consider myself to be moderately nice in game. I may not be the most patient of people, but those who are my friends know that they can ask me for anything. Or at least, they should know. My friends in return are the same way, some of the nicest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing in my online world. So last night when I heard that a friend had accidentally mailed 7 acrylia clusters to the wrong person (dang those weird spellings!) of course I did the natural thing and bought 7 acrylia clusters and made them the jewelry that they were looking for. I didn’t think twice about it, I had the coin (just barely) and made it, mailed it.

The next day (that being this morning) Darcyle said he had three items for me, as thank-you’s for me being so nice. I was a little taken aback. I mean, I know folks are nice.. but well. The items he gave me were: class pants, class gloves, and a torn ligament bow (has int and a de-agro on it). I felt like a complete newb (not a bad thing) drooling over the items. I’ve raided end game before, I’ve played with some top of the line players, but I’ve never managed to complete a class set of legendary gear. Mostly because I flip flop from character to character. It made me smile and start to think of all the wonderful people I’ve met in game. Gothun tries his best too, he sends me raws for crafting that I appreciate so much. Kilanna is wonderful to me with her conversation (anyone who knows me knows I chatter a whole lot) Thunderwalker has helped me out with spells and gear, Shadowgeist of course has done so much for me over the years that I could not even begin to count. So to all my friends out there, Beeglin, Cordanim, Woof, the ones mentioned above, Lader, and even those I no longer keep in touch with – thank you. You’re the reason I play this game. It’s not to get uber loot, or be the best at anything, but the social aspect that keeps me here.

Enough of tha gooey stuff! In other news.. Xoolander (Shadowgeist) had to be renamed, which was a shame. He’d gone to 63 without incidents, but on an Rp server it doesn’t take much to set someone off. So he’s now Bloodpact. He also hit level 65, which is amazing. His alt just eats up the levels and I’m not sure how he does it.

Also, got new speakers yesterday. Shadowgeist decided my old ones were crappy (and they were, even if I was happy with them). So we picked up new ones. Much nicer. We also went to visit my folks and wow I actually had a lot of fun. My baby brother (no longer a baby, he’s 17) just recently bought himself a wii. So for the after noon I battled my mom, Shadowgeist, and my brother in games of tennis, bowling, golf, and other random goodness. I looked at my web site through the browser on the tv, and had a load of fun. Of course then during a particularly intense tennis match my mom swung her arm back and smashed it into the living room wall which was not so good, swollen finger and bruised she’ll be going to get it checked out today. She also took out a nice section of the wall at the same time. Dad was gone to work on someone’s computer, we didn’t tell him how the wall got damaged, hehe.

Finished off bone-clasped girdle for Bloodpact yesterday too. It was a fairly productive Sunday. Hopefully I can get Goudia a few levels so that she can wear all this gear I’ve got stored up for her!