September 3, 2007

Raid Leaders, not just Raiders, Have Obligations


Misako did an LoA run, and managed to get a new pretty

A long weekend, always awesome to get one of those. I meant to finish up this post yesterday but (of course) got side tracked with other things. I’ve been doing some off and on raiding with a few guilds, and I learned a few things. Just as a raider comes prepared to the raid (on time, with potions and whatever else they may need) there is also an obligation on the part of the raid leaders. Here is the wrong way in my opinion and personal experience from raiding this weekend:

~ Not explaining encounters in difficult zones. Raid leaders, PLEASE remember when you take new members that not everyone has done these encounters before, and even if they have and you’re a top notch guild who’s expecting their recruits to know their stuff – they have not done it with YOU. Which means you probably stand some place new, or you use a different tactic, or you cast a different spell. It does no harm to make sure your guests understand what is going on.

~ Not making your recruits / guests feel comfortable. When your new raider joins vent or ts or whatever it is you use, try saying hello! Be nice, and make them feel welcome after all there is a reason that they’re along on your raid to begin with. They were obviously interested in it, and you were interested enough back to give them a chance. There’s nothing worse then a new raider who does not know anyone logging in and no one saying a word at all. New raiders are nervous enough (believe it or not) and that little bit of extra to make them feel that they are at least appreciated for being there, is important.

~ After the raid is over, not saying a word to the new raider. Come on people, they’re not lepers, even if they were awful raiders. Even if they didn’t know their roll. Just be open and up front about things. Let them know if you want to have them back. If not, let them know that too. Don’t just feign interest.

I went on three raids this weekend, the first was Emerald Halls, the second was Lyceum, and the third was Labs. I know, that two were just boring ‘ordinary’ KoS raid zones. I did them with two separate guilds, and let me tell you, the KoS boring ‘drab’ raids were two of the best raids I’ve ever been on. Not because they were easy and simple and I didn’t have to think (which I didn’t) but because the raids made me feel welcome. They were friendly, and out going. They talked to me before the raids and after. To me personally, it doesn’t matter WHAT a guild is taking down raid wise, if I’m not feeling at least some sense of community when I play with them then chances are I’m not going to stick around, what reason would I have. I most certainly don’t play this game for the loot aspect, and yes, I agree it’s nice to get into those end game zones, but again. I really need the sense of community.

I consider myself a fairly good player, I know my characters, I learn fairly well. I know my capabilities. I still play for the community though. It’s probably the number one reason I’ve avoided high end raiding guilds. NOT that they don’t have a sense of community – they do. But it’s gradual. You have to prove yourself to them first. They have their own community that you don’t belong to really from the start. Harder if you don’t even know anyone in the guild, it can take time. Which is of course a good thing, but not something that I want to deal with in the game. I know it takes time before you’re “one of the gang” and I admit right now I have little to no patience.

Anyhow, just wanted to make this post to say that it’s not all the raiders responsibility when it comes to the raids. Please try to make those new raiders feel comfortable. They’re nervous and it’s not going to kill you. Of course if it does kill you, there are bigger issues to look at.