September 12, 2007

Festival of Discord – Role Play Event on the Antonia Bayle Server


Who wouldn’t want to participate in the Festival of Discord?

I know GU38 is going live today, and I figure lots of people will be posting notes to it, and their opinions. I’ll hold off and post about it tomorrow, I’d much rather have folks reading about the FoD upcoming, and save the GU38. Sorry for anyone who was looking forward to the notes! You can still find them on the EQ2players site.

The image from above is from the FoD’s web page, which you can find here. You can log in with any guild portal account, or just browse through the forums as you wish.

What is the Festival of Discord? It’s a week long role play event hosted by 10+ guilds on the Antonia Bayle server. It runs from September 22nd until September 29th, and includes a home decorating contest, a betting pool with gambling on winners, an assassination event, arenas, and so much more. I am certainly looking forward to it.

As of now, the guilds involved are:

  • Bloodthorn
  • Coterie of Thorns
  • Court of the Moon
  • Gunthak Pirates
  • House Gevaudan
  • Knights of Freeport
  • Pawnshop Syndicate
  • Raven Guard
  • Sojourners of Norrath
  • The Discipleship

It may not seem like your typical list of guilds. In fact, you may have not even heard of many of the guilds listed. Unless of course you are into role play. Then these words trickle down through the ranks. There is a list of contacts on their main page which can be found here if you’re looking to get involved in some way shape or form. They’re looking for volunteers for events, shops to peddle their wares during the festivities, and numerous other small details that goes into making an event like this work.

Some of you may have remembered my write up on the Festival of Unity which was held a few months back. I had a blast there, but due to some raid restraints (not an issue now since I don’t belong to a raid guild) I could not attend everything I wanted. I will most certainly be making an effort to attend all I can this time around, with in depth blog posts (hopefully also in character) abotut the events.

If you’re good aligned, you’ll have to sneak your way into the city for some events, just as the Festival of Unity was focused on a unity of each city, the Festival of Discord is for the.. darker.. sides of Norrath. That’s not to say they’re going to exclude their Qeynosian and Kelethian counter parts, but they certainly won’t be ushering them into the city either.

Are the GM’s going to be lending themselves out as they did for the FoU? I’m not sure, it would certainly be nice to see them take part again though. One thing I’ve noticed in EQ2 vs. EQ1 (I know, the two games are not the same and it’s difficult to liken them to one another) is that the guide events in EQ2 are far more restricted. Antonia Bayle may be a role play server and I have seen a guide or two around, but never any large events. Those that do happen, seem to be small scale where the larger events are almost constantly run by players. This is probably a good thing, it inspires players to role play and be creative, but I always loved seeing guides take an active role in their server. I contemplated applying to be a guide and would still love to if I could find any information on it (or even if applications are being accepted) but I can affect a server far more as a regular player with events, then I could as a guide even with my dedication I think.

Opening ceremonies begin September 22nd 2pm EST for those who are interested. Two hours later there is a “Battle to the Death” in the Commonlands, the opening ceremonies also begin in CL. On the 24th there’s even a drunken brawl at The Pit – for those who have no idea what the pit even is – It’s a players house in West Freeport in the Bloodhaze Inn, and they’ve been running events there for quite some time. Look under the housing name of Jenavive.

If you’re interested in volunteering for the festival, be sure to log into guild portal and sign up here.

Other events I’m looking forward to include a Masquerade event hosted by House Gevaudan, and the Gunthak Pirates who are hosting Captian Vilnius’ Secret Recipe Rum Drinking Contest. Quite a mouthful.

If you’re shy about these sort of events, please, don’t be! It’s lots of fun to be had by all even if you just wander around looking at everyone else. With the “fluff” armor slots coming today in GU38, it’s sure to be an amazing time watching those colourful costumes. You can get a hold of me by mail or tell in game or leave me an email (address posted at the top left of this site) as well as commenting here, if you’re interested in some company to any events. It’s a great way to meet a huge portion of the Antonia Bayle server, and find out what “Role Play Preferred” is all about.