September 26, 2007

Quitting? Naw, lets just call it taking an extended break

So it’s come to that time of the year where I cancel my EQ2 account at least for a little while. I’ll be wandering around in WoW and attending to that thing called “real life” that we all like to avoid. Unfortunately I’m just not feeling satisfied in EQ2, nor am I feeling challenged, or anything else that would keep me in the game. I’ve given my msn out to those who want to keep in touch, and my email can be found at the top of this site. I’ll still blog and work on some digital images, but until RoK comes out, I just was not happy. I won’t call it quitting, since I always come back, but a break is needed.

Hopefully my readers will check back from time to time, and enjoy the past posts here! I knew when I created the blog that it wouldn’t just be limited to EQ2, hence the other categories. Safe travels no matter what mmo you find yourself in!

For those who are interested, you can keep reading about my mmo adventures here.