I’ve made previous posts about my good experiences with the customer service on EQ2, and today was no exception. I’ve had to contact them about numerous things through petitions, from lost chests, to deleted characters, and name changes. I’ve always been answered in a timely manor, never more then a few hours for a reply. Sure, it may be a slight pain to have to use the browser window for a petition and fill out their forms, but no more so then having to fill out anything else. Plus, I know they record it and get it that way, it’s not getting lost anywhere. I can check the status at any time.


Backstory: Five or Six months ago, I relinquished my house before actually moving anything out of it. A whole house filled with quested books (about 100 of them) deity quest rewards (the world event ones) expensive paintings (the 450,000 status ones of Freeport and Qeynos) some elaborate tradeskill machines, and 200 other items. I decided at the time, since I was not playing the character that often, that I didn’t care about those items. I was playing a different character and her house was just fine. Foolish of me, yes.

Today: Lately I’ve been playing the character. A lot. It’s Arysh in fact who lost all of her house items. I decided on a whim to see if there was any chance at all that the lost house items could be restored to me. Fully aware of the fact that I’d probably be told no. Not only due to the span of time I left between relinquishing and petitioning, but also because that would be 200+ items that would have to be searched for, as well as the fact that my character had since moved homes twice, her character name changed once, and server transferred three times between then and today. Not an easy Task.

Three GM responses later, and as many details as I could provide, I was contacted and told that they had good news – my items would be given back to me, after 6 hours they had compiled a list of items that I had lost when I relinquished, and would drop them into my inventory. My jaw dropped and I practically screamed with joy. One at a time the items began appearing in my inventory. I started dropping them into Arysh’ home, ecstatic. Wow. Now that’s service.

I knew when I petitioned that I shouldn’t get my hopes up, and I knew it was my fault for relinquishing, you’re even given messages about it. with the newly added moving crates there’s no relinquishing involved (thank goodness). I made sure to give a huge thank you to all those involved, as they certainly went above and beyond what they had to do.

Just remember when you’re trying to get something returned or a question answered, that these people who work in customer service, are just that. People. I was polite, and patient, and knew they’d either be able to help, or not be able. Either way I would be ok with the response. Of course I was a million times happier once my issue had been resolved, but yeah.. what a great day.

5 thoughts on “SoE Customer Service Comes Through Again”
  1. I’ve always had really good xp with them too! They have even given me back a character that accidentally got deleted, numerous items, and contacted me personally on IM when I have had an issue! Pretty good people.

  2. That’s pretty impressive and I wish I could say the same about SoE’s customer service, but the one time I had to use it, it wasn’t entirely satisfactory, although it’s lightyears ahead of what I was used to with NCSoft’s support.

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