November 21, 2007

SoE Listens (again)


Here’s hoping the situation on AB changes (with the player base, I see nothing wrong on SoE’s end, they’re trying, but the mean-ness of the server, has been disheartening in particular to the issues) and things cool down and calm down now that the crazy rush of the adventure pack has slowed. Someone let me know how that extra experience boost is eh?

House Pets Run Amuck


Every time poor Stargrace zones into her house, her friendly shiny-finder, Snookie, is sitting in or on the book shelves. Apparently he has some strange affinity for paper. I find it amusing none the less. I had Goudia feed it, and chuckled, as the “shiny” it rewarded me with, was the no-trade no-value lore no-destroy Sword of Destiny quest piece. I petitioned to have it removed, since I couldn’t destroy it and Goudia is past that portion of the quest. I’m still looking for a T8 carpenter on Antonia Bayle to take all these mahogany pieces off of my hands and turn them into pretties, there’s been some fantastic pieces I’ve seen for sale, but they’re also exceptionally expensive right now. With my carpenter sitting at level 30, I’m wondering if I should just bite the bullet and level her continuously. You’d think (and I’ve mentioned this before) that of all the tradeskillers I have (I have one of everything) that the one I use the MOST (carpenter) would be level 70 at least. But no. I’ve typically just bought or quested for my pieces. Oh, and Stargrace looks tiny in the shot since she’s using that billy doll clicky that reduces her by 40%.

What a cute couple eh? That’s Shadowgeist and Goudia sitting on the throne in Fens of Nathsar, after smacking down some goblin guys. Much fun. I think this quest rewarded a legendary item, it wasn’t that much of an upgrade though, so the vendor got to eat it. Ah well. Money is money!

Winter Wonderland – and EQ2 of course


Ok, I know the picture is pretty cruddy, but it’s taken through the living room window at 7:30am so that’s as good as it gets for now. That’s what I woke up to today. When I went to bed last night, that view, was green. This morning we were dumped with 5cm of snow, tomorrow, another 10cm of snow. I suppose winter is officially here. I am ecstatic of course. I’d show it, too, by running out and screaming and throwing snow balls and dancing around like I typically do the first snow of every year (I’m a kid at heart, what can I say) but alas, the cat has learned how to set off my alarm clock in the mornings when she wants to be fed, and I was up off and on all night.

That’s right. If anyone knows of an alarm clock (with lit buttons, and a radio preferred) where the buttons can lock, or are some place other then the top of the clock, let me know eh? What the cat does, is place herself on top of the alarm clock, and then walk around on it (it’s not large, but she’s figured out how to do this as an art form now) and she either 1. sets the clock to some random time, thus giving the potential to be late for that days activities, or she 2. turns on the alarm clock radio, and has it play at all hours of the night (again, randomly). She knows if someone’s up they’ll feed her a daily 1/4th a can of wet food. I’ve tried to break her of the habit, especially when she was trying to rouse me out of bed at 5:30am.. it’s moved to 6:30 am now which I’m comfortable with, at midnight last night, and at 4am the night before, the clock radio suddenly would blare into life, as she’s learned how to turn the dial for that too, some how. Ugh.

Anyhow, in EQ2, quested with Goudia, she hit level 74 and a bit into it. The server issues on Antonia Bayle were lessoned, but the animosity from players was not. I got Stargrace to 72 provisioner and had a lot of fun doing it. She has a lot of recipes she’s never had before. I also got Yamini an alchemist level. I was contemplating leveling her (I’m not ‘bored’ of questing in RoK yet, I’m just a person who loves to play alts) but then remembered she’s stuck in the terrible 50’s and that deterred me right fast. I took Stargrace out and did a few quests with her, moving her almost to 71. Arysh is at 73 still. I’m still having lots of fun in the game (and out) one of my old friends from EQ1 decided to open up an EQ2 account, so he’s been testing the waters on a few new characters. We haven’t gotten much time to play yet since I’ve been off playing in RoK, but that’ll change in time.

Hope this mid-week day finds everyone in high spirits.. I think I’ll go enjoy the snow!