November 29, 2007

Figures.. Here come the Nerfs

Since the servers are down (with no explanation again, aside from the fact that they were supposed to be down for an hour (it’s over two hours now) I went browsing through the EQ2player forums, which is always a mistake. As I browsed I found this article, which just made me cringe. I feel exceptionally bad for all those people who replaced their gear with the treasured rewards (and then sold their old gear) thinking they would be better. Heck, I’m one of those people as well. Although I tried to upgrade for stats before I upgraded for the gear bonuses, I did replace practically everything Goudia was wearing with the new stuff. I also replaced Arysh’ fabled due to the heal procs.

So what happens? We’re SoL pretty much. It doesn’t matter if you’ve replaced, and sold, your old gear. You won’t be getting it back. Let this be (another) lesson to us all.

I love the way people ask in the post “isn’t that what beta was for.. ” because they have a point. Two weeks after the expansion is out and now all the items that people quested to get are being changed. Bleh.

A rather large tune will be appearing in an upcoming hotfix, and I wanted to give you all a heads up:

The effects that are currently attached to Treasured items in Kunark were initially intended for Legendary quality gear; you can find effects like Overflow and Divine Restoration on both tiers of equipment. Typically these effects will automatically scale down on lower quality gear, but given the ease of acquiring RoK Treasureds, they did not scale down enough, and this has created a large imbalance throughout the expansion. In order to correct this, I’ve created lesser versions of all of these effects and attached them to all Treasured gear. None of the stats on the gear itself has been touched, only the power of the effects, which has been lowered by about 1/3 in most cases. I know this will be upsetting to many of you who have worked hard to acquire the pieces you have, and don’t like seeing them balanced in this manner. The best consolation I can offer you is that there are Legendary versions of all of these pieces which can be acquired through quests, bosses, and faction merchants. The effects on these Legendaries should now be a large (and much more desirable) upgrade from the more easily acquired Treasured items.

In addition to the above changes, the 4 rewards from the Anaphylaxis quest have been dropped from Fabled to Legendary quality. They are still of better quality than most Legendary loot available in Kunark, but should no longer rival the strength of Fabled weapons acquired on raids.

I am sorry to be the harbinger of bad news; I never like tuning items down, but in this case it was the most equitable solution. I hope to have some good news (in the form of new, cool items) for you all sometime in the near future =)