December 3, 2007

November Review


Decided to follow the footsteps of other bloggers and post my monthly report for the site, since it’s become quite a nice little project for me. The stats are of course from Google Analytics, which has been very helpful. Most of my visitors come from the states, which wasn’t a huge surprise. A few (when I peeked in depth) read from the Sony Entertainment place, and someone reads from the Government of Michigan too, which was pretty cool.

The amount of direct traffic was actually surprising, and a huge thank you to EQ2-Daily, where a huge portion of my traffic comes from.

The keywords that were most popular were not too surprising, though I did get some odd ones such as “Adult fun superstore closing (aww, poor thing..)” “Arasai Fan Art Nudity” (which just.. worries me.. ) and “I have a Huge Epeen” ….. (Congrats?)

So thank you to my readers, and fellow bloggers, for all the great input the past month. Here’s hoping December is filled with just as much!