December 17, 2007

Ticking the Down Time Away


Antonia Bayle (and four other servers) are down for a three hour patch (joy oh joy) so I decided to look through some of my screen shots. The one posted above is the game room in Arysh’ house, in the basement. I love the new furniture that’s been added. Last night found me dealing with another stint of insomnia (holiday stress, how wonderful that is eh) so I stayed up until 4am and did some instances with guild mates. First I managed to get Ishbel to 65 (the power leveled coercer) by solo’ing in New Tunaria. I still adore that zone. She can start Kylong Plains very soon (well, she could start now, but I want to get a level or two more first still) and having a m1 charm is certainly helpful. I’d like to see her get 80 just so that I have some alternative characters to play for instances and the sort. Plus that will leave me with 1 healer 1 mage 1 scout all level 80.

Arysh finished off Vault of Eternal Sleep and the quest associated with it, and then moved on to Maidens, finishing off the quest there as well so that when she finally hits 80 she can wear her new healing mace. She’s got about 8 pieces of gear stashed aside for 79 and 80, and I’m eager to wear them. Netted about 45% experience over the past little while but I haven’t been grinding quests much as I don’t want to burn out on them.

The guild has been moving along nicely, and the drama seems to have cooled down. We’ve recruited a few new members, and our ranks are filling up fast. Last raid we took only three people from outside of guild, which was fantastic. Everyone seems to be leveling up slowly as well, and we’re just shy of a full level 80 raid force, with a chunk still sitting at 78/79. Tonight the guild’s decided to do New Tunarian Throne Room, though I won’t be attending this one, I wish them the best!