December 18, 2007

Vanguard Update

As a brief update, I contacted support, was told by one person that it would be at 12am PDT before the free trials would be turned on, and then was told by another that they’d make it happen in 4 hours. Took a peek, and my account is now active for 30 days. I’m patching away, and hopefully will get to play a little bit before bed. If not, well, at least it’s active, we’ll see how it goes.

I’m not leaving EQ2 by any means, but I do like to poke around at the other games, and I did really enjoy VG while I played it. I just disliked the bugs, a huge amount. So this free trial is a great idea to get older members back for a short time at least, to experience the changes. I’m sure I’ll post my opinions on it here.

Giving Vanguard another Try?

Is anyone else trying out Vanguard since they’ve re-opened accounts from December 18th to January 3rd? At least that’s what I’ve heard . I’m reinstalling as we speak. I always did love the look of the game, and the classes, I just couldn’t handle the bugs. So I figure I’ll give it a whirl. If anyone else is going to give this a shot, let me know so I can move servers! I’ll be on idea. Some server!

** As of 12:30 EST so far the ‘free activation’ isn’t working or implemented or whatever. If anyone has more details let me know! Oh, and EQ2 world wide channels are borked. Woot. A guildie mentioned that SoE is trying an “Anti-Fun” tactic. It seems to be working.

*** As of 4:06pm EST I found this thread with some issues that are going on activating people and their accounts. Remember you have to have been canceled for three months for this to work. The problem is, yes, I’ve been canceled for more then three months — but I can’t post on their forums asking what’s going on without an active subscription… anyone else manage to get in?

**** I need to read better. As of 4:15pm EST, I found this thread in the newbie forums (where you don’t need a subscription to post) saying that it’s been delayed until Thursday. Oh wells.

…. Ok… 4:29 EST and this quote which is COMPLETELY different then the quote someone else got.

I’ve just used the Live Chat feature to try and get clarification on this and was told something different SMILEY . Make of it what you will.

TSR Robin C.:Hi, my name is TSR Robin C.. One moment please, while I read your question.
TSR Robin C.: Please give me the station name.
You: xxxxxxxxxxxx
TSR Robin C.: I am escalating your issue to Tier 2 TSR to grant you the day on the account.
TSR Robin C.: You will be able to login with in 3 to 4 hours.
TSR Robin C.: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
You: um ok. so i’ll get the 3 weeks free trial?
TSR Robin C.: You will be able to play till January 3rd.
You: ok that’s great. thanks for your help.

Leveling Away


Ishbel had fun running around New Tunaria yesterday, with a charmed vampire at her side. I had to let so many pages for the clock of flames rot that it was just getting to an amusing point. Two of them even dropped in one chest. She hit level 68 when all was said and done, and got a whole slew of aa. I moved her to Kylong Plains at level 66 and had her get the sokokar quest (thanks to Shadowgeist for helping me finish that off) and then headed to Teren’s Grasp to complete the few chains there. I love playing the coercer, a lot of fun and a huge change from playing the illusionist.

The warden is sitting at about 50% into her level, and I’m hoping to get 79 tonight so that she can finally wear all the gear I’ve got stored up. Then just one more and she can wear the weapon from Maidens. I also need to make some more coin on her as she’s out of fire emeralds and needs 8 more. Ugh. The price on those has gone way up now that they’ve nerfed the stealth suit from the drachnid caves.

There’s talk of the newest Kylong Plains fabled item getting nerfed after Christmas as well, which I just find amusing. Why would you nerf an item that you JUST put out there a week ago, and wait another two weeks before you do. Yes, the quest is quite easy and doesn’t exactly warrant a fabled reward, but why not change and fix these things before they enter the game, so late into the expansion. Going to be lots of disappointed people out there. The mage item needs to be fixed as well, as there are two rewards with +75 heal and the +spell crit chance / int item should have +75 spell dmg.

Other then that, not much is going on. Leveling and exploring, the guild’s gotten another influx of new members. Seems that as soon as it was recognized we could actually down T8 encounters there’s been a steady flow of recruits. Not exactly complaining, but I never wanted to be a huge guild. We’ll just have to see how it goes!

Nice to see Kilanna back from her trip as well, I’ve missed talking to the girlie!