All you’ll end up with is paper cuts anyhow. I found this text amusing as I was running through my SoD statues, not for the second time, but the third time. Second time this week. I decided that my mystic, Misako, should also move up the ranks in her SoD completion. Arysh (warden) is on the named in the castle. Misako, is just at the Kaladim part, but at least she’s done her statues. I figured Unrest would be the most difficult one to obtain, but thankfully I wiggled my way into a group and completed it. I can honestly say after completing SoD on one character, and attempting to complete it on two others, that I hate SoD. I think I’ve been working on it enough lately to warrant that comment.
My thoughts are with those in the states who are dealing with brush fires right now, hope everyone is safe and moved out of the area, that’s one thing I love about where I live. There are no hurricanes, no tornados, no brush fires, no avalanches, or any other natural phenomenon *knocks on wood*. I know I’ve been slacking with the posts the past few days, but there’s nothing really to update about. I haven’t been working on quests aside from SoD, though I am going to do some carpenter crafting on Cordanim’s character while he’s gone to France. House items are always a good thing.
Speaking of house items, I completed my LoN collection (finally) with the painting of the Three Warriors. I traded a booster pack for it, but it was well worth it. I also managed to get the burning fists, a red aura that surrounds your hands. The problem now is who to claim it on as I have plenty who would look fairly spiffy wearing that. For now it sits unclaimed.
I’m wondering what changes are incoming with RoK. Wondering if people will be satisfied with it, what guilds will shift, and what characters I’ll eventually end up playing. I suppose I’m one of those people who just want to play a needed class, and who doesn’t place enough emphasis on playing what they want to play. If I had my choice just out of the blue, of playing any character at all that I wanted to play, I’d probably just stick with my warden. There are just so many wardens out there, that it’s difficult to secure myself a spot anywhere.
So what do I do. Continue to play her and hope that eventually I’ll manage to wiggle my way into what I want (raids with close friends), play the pick up game like I’ve been doing for over a year now, or give in, and play one of my other level 70’s who’s more “needed”. It’s actually more of a dilemma then one may think. I love my warden, I’m great at the class, I worked really hard on her for both house items and general quested do-dads. But there are so many druids out there. The chances of me actually managing to land some place to play her, are pretty slim. I adore their ports, and the class it just a lot of fun. So, that begs the question, what’s more important. Playing a class I love, but having to deal with never really being “end game”, or settling for second best, and playing a class I’m fine with playing, but don’t adore it as much as I adore the druid.