10 (11) Things you need to know about Neriak

The guild’s been busy, what can I say

I managed to get five more levels today on Ishbel, the coercer, sitting her comfortably at 30. She’s only been to three zones, the Darklight woods, the Wailing Caverns, and Fallen Gate. It leaves a lot of room for some discovery and questing later if I ever feel like it. I took Cordanim’s little Ratonga alt with me to Fallen Gate and we managed to get him three levels as well. It was a fairly quiet day none the less.

I decided to do an in depth look at Neriak, my site’s been getting a lot of hits for various things relating to the zone, and while I’ve been crafting I answer at least the same 10 questions every single day. So here they are:

1. Where can I do the citizenship quest for Neriak? Easy, Clerk V’Nox will start the Neriak Citizenship quest for you, at the house of Landlords. It’s just past The K’Nex Falls, in the Eastern section of the city.

2. Who will take my status items? Step to your nearest guard, and right click them. Then select find NPC. Type in guild status merchant, and they will mark your map with an X, it’s the same building as the guild registrar, in the dock area.

3. Where is the achievement respec NPC? Tria L’Blek will help you respec, she’s by the stables in the Western portion of the city — but again, the guards of Neriak are very helpful. Right click any one of them and do a find NPC for achievement. They’ll lead you in the right direction.

4. Is there a pet store some place in Neriak? Surprisingly enough, yes! Ch’hok Milk’Tokk just east of the House of Landlords will be pleased to sell you all the furry friends you could ever want. You can use a guard to locate them as well.

5. Where is the shinies collector of Neriak?! Phyra Zesmice, is the shiny collections person of Neriak, use a guard, or make your way to the docks, you’ll find them there.

6. Are there portals to TS and Nek in Neriak like there are for Qeynos and Freeport? Yes! You can purchase a ticket from an npc in the Dark Bargainer Hall, it will take you to TS or Nek, the spires though, not the docks. There is also a carpet to get to Sinking Sands located in Darlight Woods, at the fair.

7. Where can I find my class trainer, I’m lost! Again, just find a guard, and do a search for whatever your class is. They’ll point you to the trainers.

8. How can I use the teleport pads? Divton T’Szelyl at the entrance will give you a level 10 quest to use them. Be sure to mentor down for the completion in order to get that AA!

9. Where is the broker? Banker? Crafting stations? Again, use a guard! Anything that an NPC has as a title under their name, you can ask a guard about. For a general idea though, head to The Down Under, caves located in the Eastern section of the Dock Market area.

10. Are there writs offered for the people of Neriak? Yes! There are.. they’re level dependant though.. the level 10 range can find theirs at the Indigo Brotherhood. . . Level 60 seemed to be behind Darklight Palace. If you’re some other level range, just wander around the zone with your map open, you’ll see the orange flashing circle indicating a quest giver.

11. I’m from Neriak, but how do I get my call of Neriak spell and my set recall point spell? Check your spell book using the K key, and under the abilities category. You’re lucky, you’ll have it already if you’re already from Neriak.

As a side note, it’s very handy to get EQII Maps if you have not already. The points of interest marked on the map are priceless, and you’ll know your way around Neriak in no time.

Ishbel – 25 and counting

Misako, Ishbel, and Ixxar, happily fishing in Darklight Woods

If you enjoy questing at all then you’re going to love Darklight Woods. There are at least 100 quests within the zone if you include the few that send you to Neriak. I feel sorry for those characters who start out on the island still. Their gear and quests are not nearly as entertaining as the ones in both Kelethin and Darklight Woods. The quest session yesterday was joined by Misako and Ixxar both who mentored the (at the time) level 7 coercer. Ixxar got about 6aa to his name, Misako managed to hit 75 of her own and 85% into her level. I’m in no rush with her lately (what else is new, when an alt has caught my fancy).

I am a bit ashamed at Misako’s clothing choice though, as you can see from the picture the coercer is sporting a nice white and grey/blue dres, the bruiser is decked out in some clothes that at least match, and then there’s poor Misako decked out in bright purple and green with blue tints and bright red oven mitts. Looks fetching doesn’t it? Well, ok not exactly.

I realize that to give players the option to colour their own gear would be a huge endeavor, and then we’d have issues of neon green and yellow outfits around Norrath, but dang, whoever came up with the idea for those pants to tuck INTO the characters shoes.. must be hurt. Badly. Aside from the bad colours and the interesting graphics, I’ve been making a nice amount of coin off of the lowbie adepts and gear that drops. In fact it’s selling very very well. I can make a few plat a day off of selling my little farmed items. Of course my level 25 coercer is still wearing level 1 gear, but well that’s the joys of being able to two box and move your character along at whatever pace you like. I don’t really need the gear on her, she’ll get some new stuff at 30-32, until then the level 1 stuff will suit her just fine. I don’t want to spend a bunch of money on items that she’s just going to out grow in a day or two.


Newest character to the alt-army, Ishbel, a dark elf coercer

I’m not realy keen on the new race, and I did make a warlock (who I have yet to actually play) but after some contemplating I decided that it would be nice to have my choice of illusionist or coercer depending on what I was needed for or what I was in the mood for. So along came Ishbel, a dark elf coercer who lives in Neriak. Home sweet home. There were over 100 people in the starting zone, and it showed. Crowded, and lots of people fighting for mobs. Didn’t bother me too much though I’m used to just being able to selectively ignore the masses that bother me. I love the starter zone of Darklight woods. There are a lot of quests for the new players and my good characters who start in Qeynos are very envious of both Kelethin and Darklight. I got her to level 11 fairly painlessly, with 40quests completed and 3aa under her belt. She bought a simple 1-room inn in Neriak, and paid her respects to the Queen and various others who deserved it.

I was doubly pleased when Kilanna decided to roll an Arasia on AB, and joined my guild. Gave me someone to ramble to and she seems to be having fun with the little warlock. I hope so at least. I have been slightly occupied the last few days with random tid bits of real life that keep interupting me *grins* so things have been quiet game-wise at least. Last night was a horrible night where I ended up spilling liquid onto my G15 LCD keyboard, directly onto the LCD monitor portion in fact, which fried it. Guess if there was ever a sign to call it an early night, that’s it. Bought another one today, I think I’d be lost without this keyboard. I really love it, just the feel of the keys and the lights is enough to make me happy with it.

The guild hit level 13, we’re slowly leveling ourselves along. Since there are only 10 unique accounts in the guild, and I’d say about 5 of those are active to any degree, it’s a slow grind. The top guild status holders are various alts of mine *chuckles*. I’m trying to get us closer to 15 so we can pick out a guild crest for our cloaks. Hopefully it’ll be a design that everyone is happy with since it costs extra to change the heraldry. I finished off the “By hook or by crook” HQ on both Stargrace and Misako, and then decided to finish off the screaming mace that I’d had forever. There are still plenty of HQ that I’ve yet to do but most require some very annoying camps that I don’t have the patience for lately. Had Wrehn make me some furniture for Misako’s new home in Neriak, I’ve put the majority of her furniture in the corner of one room for the time being, inspiration hasn’t hit me quite yet.

First impressions of Neriak

Misako dressed in a role play outfit, sporting her guise of the deceiver, chattering to the Queen

The fact that there are 4 versions of the new starter zone for Arasai up (it’s 9am) and there have been since 1pm yesterday, leaves me little else to believe other then the fact that people are really enjoying their new free content, even if it is just a goth looking fae. I made myself a warlock yesterday and then as I said I’d do, stashed her aside because there are a million little wings all fighting over the same mobs. I did spend a great deal of time wandering around Neriak though with the defiler who quickly made it her new home.

There are a number of smaller quests to complete, there’s the teleporter access quest as well as a quest for a house item from an Arasai close to the outfitters building where the blue flame forge is. There’s the Neriak citizenship quest of course, which starts in the House of the Landlords. You need a sponcer before they’ll let you into the city, and you can obtain one if you run around hailing a few npc and then offing them. Lazy dark elves, what can I say. Use a guard to help you track them down, they’re on a 5 minute timer, so if the guard can’t find them chances are they’ve been killed reciently, keep trying. As I already mentioned yesterday, the moving crates were pure genius. Now I just need to fill Misako’s house with pretties. Stargrace is envious of the 7g a week upkeep that requires no status or guild levels. I’m still under the assumption that it’s going to change.

I was a little sad to see that the instruments didn’t make it in with this update, but I suppose we can’t have it all. There was word of instruments (house items) being added some time ago and there is a stand in Neriak where they’re displayed, with no merchant in sight. Someone else mentioned that these may be player crafted now and not sold at all, but after checking a few carpenters I couldn’t find any sign of them. Oh well, maybe another time.

SO. The monk Qutey is on hold for a little bit until my interest in her piques again. I’d like to work on Misako’s home (as well as stargrace’) and maybe getting a little experience again for Misako. She’s been sitting at 63 for some time now, having lost the little interest I had in her lately with everything else going on.

Yesterday I tried to decide which was worse, the level 10-19 channel filled with stupid questions that were really just things common sense could answer, or the 60-69 drama that ensued shortly afterwards. Guild drama at that. It was actually the first time I’ve heard drama on the AB server to this degree, it happens everywhere but on LDL it was more then just guild drama it was people taking personal attacks at others for RL issues. Kithicor was much the same. Anyhow, more rambling later, for now, it’s time to work on those houses!

Home Sweet (new) Home..Neriak Style

Misako gave up the drab inn room in EFP and moved her belongings to Neriak

Wow. That’s the only word I can use to describe the new homes in Neriak. A part of me is wondering if they’re going to “change” them. Right now, you can purchase a 5-room for a little under 2p, and it has a 7g a week upkeep. No guild level required, no guild status required. Compare this to the Freeport and Qeynos homes that require both guild status and guild levels in order to purchase them, and you may have some pissed off people. Especially Qeynosians, because let me tell you, none of the houses on the good side compare to this one at all. The screen shot is from the front door. Stain glass windows don’t seem to let any actual light in, but uhms we’re underground so that’s fine by me. There is an upstairs and a downstairs from the main level, spiral staircases lead to each. There are two sets of staircases leading up in fact. It’s beautiful and makes you feel like you’re living in a castle of some sort.

It’s a shame that only one of my main characters is evil, I can see myself betraying just for these homes. There is a very fast citizen ship quest you have to complete before you can move to Neriak if you’re from outside the city. You need a sponsor, and you can use the guards to find each one of the npc you hail (and then promptly kill) which makes it easier. There are of course also teleports throughout the zone, you have to complete a level 10 quest in order to access them.

I also made my level 1 Arasai Warlock, but after taking note of the 100+ other fae and random evils running around the zone, I quickly relogged. I’ll just sit that character for a bit and work them up when the zone isn’t just a mass congregation of wings.

The new moving crates, are an EQII godsend. That’s the box parked on the floor in front of the door in the screen shot. They really needed these a long time ago, and they work wonderfully. I half expected to unpack my crate and find it filled with items from someone else’ home, alas that was not the case. They did a very nice job with the new homes. I just wish the older ones looked as nice.

Nomadic Gamer