Giving Vanguard another Try?

Is anyone else trying out Vanguard since they’ve re-opened accounts from December 18th to January 3rd? At least that’s what I’ve heard . I’m reinstalling as we speak. I always did love the look of the game, and the classes, I just couldn’t handle the bugs. So I figure I’ll give it a whirl. If anyone else is going to give this a shot, let me know so I can move servers! I’ll be on uh..no idea. Some server!

** As of 12:30 EST so far the ‘free activation’ isn’t working or implemented or whatever. If anyone has more details let me know! Oh, and EQ2 world wide channels are borked. Woot. A guildie mentioned that SoE is trying an “Anti-Fun” tactic. It seems to be working.

*** As of 4:06pm EST I found this thread with some issues that are going on activating people and their accounts. Remember you have to have been canceled for three months for this to work. The problem is, yes, I’ve been canceled for more then three months — but I can’t post on their forums asking what’s going on without an active subscription… anyone else manage to get in?

**** I need to read better. As of 4:15pm EST, I found this thread in the newbie forums (where you don’t need a subscription to post) saying that it’s been delayed until Thursday. Oh wells.

…. Ok… 4:29 EST and this quote which is COMPLETELY different then the quote someone else got.

I’ve just used the Live Chat feature to try and get clarification on this and was told something different SMILEY . Make of it what you will.

TSR Robin C.:Hi, my name is TSR Robin C.. One moment please, while I read your question.
TSR Robin C.: Please give me the station name.
You: xxxxxxxxxxxx
TSR Robin C.: I am escalating your issue to Tier 2 TSR to grant you the day on the account.
TSR Robin C.: You will be able to login with in 3 to 4 hours.
TSR Robin C.: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
You: um ok. so i’ll get the 3 weeks free trial?
TSR Robin C.: You will be able to play till January 3rd.
You: ok that’s great. thanks for your help.

Leveling Away


Ishbel had fun running around New Tunaria yesterday, with a charmed vampire at her side. I had to let so many pages for the clock of flames rot that it was just getting to an amusing point. Two of them even dropped in one chest. She hit level 68 when all was said and done, and got a whole slew of aa. I moved her to Kylong Plains at level 66 and had her get the sokokar quest (thanks to Shadowgeist for helping me finish that off) and then headed to Teren’s Grasp to complete the few chains there. I love playing the coercer, a lot of fun and a huge change from playing the illusionist.

The warden is sitting at about 50% into her level, and I’m hoping to get 79 tonight so that she can finally wear all the gear I’ve got stored up. Then just one more and she can wear the weapon from Maidens. I also need to make some more coin on her as she’s out of fire emeralds and needs 8 more. Ugh. The price on those has gone way up now that they’ve nerfed the stealth suit from the drachnid caves.

There’s talk of the newest Kylong Plains fabled item getting nerfed after Christmas as well, which I just find amusing. Why would you nerf an item that you JUST put out there a week ago, and wait another two weeks before you do. Yes, the quest is quite easy and doesn’t exactly warrant a fabled reward, but why not change and fix these things before they enter the game, so late into the expansion. Going to be lots of disappointed people out there. The mage item needs to be fixed as well, as there are two rewards with +75 heal and the +spell crit chance / int item should have +75 spell dmg.

Other then that, not much is going on. Leveling and exploring, the guild’s gotten another influx of new members. Seems that as soon as it was recognized we could actually down T8 encounters there’s been a steady flow of recruits. Not exactly complaining, but I never wanted to be a huge guild. We’ll just have to see how it goes!

Nice to see Kilanna back from her trip as well, I’ve missed talking to the girlie!

Ticking the Down Time Away


Antonia Bayle (and four other servers) are down for a three hour patch (joy oh joy) so I decided to look through some of my screen shots. The one posted above is the game room in Arysh’ house, in the basement. I love the new furniture that’s been added. Last night found me dealing with another stint of insomnia (holiday stress, how wonderful that is eh) so I stayed up until 4am and did some instances with guild mates. First I managed to get Ishbel to 65 (the power leveled coercer) by solo’ing in New Tunaria. I still adore that zone. She can start Kylong Plains very soon (well, she could start now, but I want to get a level or two more first still) and having a m1 charm is certainly helpful. I’d like to see her get 80 just so that I have some alternative characters to play for instances and the sort. Plus that will leave me with 1 healer 1 mage 1 scout all level 80.

Arysh finished off Vault of Eternal Sleep and the quest associated with it, and then moved on to Maidens, finishing off the quest there as well so that when she finally hits 80 she can wear her new healing mace. She’s got about 8 pieces of gear stashed aside for 79 and 80, and I’m eager to wear them. Netted about 45% experience over the past little while but I haven’t been grinding quests much as I don’t want to burn out on them.

The guild has been moving along nicely, and the drama seems to have cooled down. We’ve recruited a few new members, and our ranks are filling up fast. Last raid we took only three people from outside of guild, which was fantastic. Everyone seems to be leveling up slowly as well, and we’re just shy of a full level 80 raid force, with a chunk still sitting at 78/79. Tonight the guild’s decided to do New Tunarian Throne Room, though I won’t be attending this one, I wish them the best!

Anyone want some Snow?


My folks have no power right now in the country (thank goodness they do have a gas fireplace, so they can run that without electricity) up here in the city it’s deathly quiet, people are asked to avoid the streets at all costs. For a day that would typically be a bustling Sunday filled with shopping, we’re all tucked (safely) at home. Ottawa is seeing one of the worst snow storms in 20 years, and we already had plenty of snow on the ground to begin with.

That car is parked on my street, well, there’s a street there some place though it’s hard to make it out. The snow isn’t supposed to stop until later on tonight, so I hope that person remembered where they parked!

Typically, from this view, I can see the Ottawa River, and a huge shopping mall and a fairly good distance away. However with all the snow falling I’m lucky that I can see the giant field right across the street from my building.

I live in Canada, and yes, I’m used to snow. We get it every year of course. However, this year has been one of the more.. interesting.. as far as accumulations go. I’m not going to say I’m sick of it, quite yet, but if anyone wants to come and take some of the snow? Please, feel free.

Making Spider Soup out of Thuuga


Wow what a weekend. After our success with Mayong, and Protector’s Realm, we were excited about attempting Thuuga again. Remember, we’ve attempted it twice before without luck. This time around, we did one single thing differently, and the results were amazing. We managed to get the mob to 5% our second try using the new method, and then we downed her the third.

Congratulations to Calreth who got a server discovery on the Spider Queen’s one looted item (which wasn’t an amazing drop, but hey, it’s better then nothing). The guild was happy, that’s at least one T8 raid zone cleared. I switched mains from Goudia to Arysh after talking to the guild leader, though I agreed to box to every raid where we needed the troubador, until we found one. I probably shouldn’t have done that, as boxing is quite stressful on me. Not only because I am a main tank healer on Arysh, but because I still care about things that a troubador should care about when they’re playing, such as running perfection of the maestro and jesters at specific times. The necromancer who lifeburns for example, sends both Arysh and Goudia a tell, so that I can jesters them before hand. Arysh was 2nd zone wide for heals on Thuuga again, which is nice considering there’s not AoE’s to worry about and no encounters hitting us until spiders run ramped.

Afterwards we decided since we’d finished so early we’d head to Freethinkers Hideout, along the way discovering that Pumpkin Headed Horseman was up. We gave him one attempt, having never ever pulled him before, and managed to get him to 45% before things went badly. We didn’t want to waste any more time on him or end the night on a sour note, so we headed to Freethinkers where we absolutely destroyed the majority of the zone before the mobs realized we’d zoned in I’m fairly sure.

We didn’t need so many healers for this zone, and so I left Arysh behind and just played Goudia. I was slightly reluctant to do so because that means there’s 0 possibility of her class loot dropping, since she’s the only warden, and some of that stuff is still an upgrade. However, it is just T7, so I figured why not. Low and behold, the troubador got her first piece of T7 set gear ever. I’ve raided plenty of T7 before in the past, and never ever have I won a piece of set gear for any of my characters, so this was my first one. Unfortunately they were not an upgrade, as I’m wearing some legendary T8 gloves that are better. I’ll hang onto them though so that they don’t drop the next raid.

Aside from the raids, Arysh (along with Shadowgeist) also finished her fabled quest for the Thuuga item that was added to Kylong plains. We were both lucky yesterday morning and the two named (who apparently have long timers) were already up. The item was a fairly significant upgrade with 275 power on the ring I choose once I’d adorned it as well as +75 to heals. Arysh also hit level 78, one more and she gets to wear quite a few new pretties that I’ve had stashed away for her. Two more and I can stop worrying about all this debt she keeps getting every time we raid.