January 10, 2008

She’s Perrfect


What’s the point of owning two accounts if you can’t completely fill them up with characters – and that’s what I’ve done. The best part is that I haven’t deleted anyone in a very long time. I used to delete them when I got bored, but with two accounts I’ve always just had room to make more. So this morning (after crafting 5 levels yesterday on the carpenter and doing some random harvesting) I decided it was ‘that time’ again. That’s right, time for (yet another) alt.

Thus I created Coya, my new dirge. Wait, isn’t a dirge a bard? Don’t I already have an 80 troubador? Well, yes, I do. I wanted to try the other perspective of the class too though. Heals and rez? Why not. A spunky little Kerra who’s lots of fun to play (so far). Shadowgeist and I ran her around the Gorowyn starter zone collecting every quest we could (him for the aa since he’s so close to 140). The quests were simple and fun – though we did have some difficulty with the ‘kill it to 30% then click it’ sort since we’re both very much into the ‘smush it until it stops twitching’ and that makes those quests hard.

I haven’t twinked her out (yet) but I’m sure I will. I also managed to get to 10aa, which is nice for her level. Or maybe it’s at 11 now, I forget. So that leaves my characters in EQ2 standing at:

  • 80 troubador / 60 weaponsmith / 400 tinkerer
  • 80 warden / 72 woodworker / 400 transmuter
  • 72 templar / 80 jeweler
  • 71 illusionist / 80 provisioner / 400 tinkerer
  • 70 defiler / 50 tailor
  • 70 coercer
  • 58 necromancer / 80 sage
  • 53 ranger / 62 alchemist
  • 38 brigand / 35 armorer
  • 33 monk / 35 carpenter
  • 31 wizard
  • 17 dirge
  • 14 shadowknight (who’ll probably be lucky to see one level or two a year)

I do have room to create one more (on the healer account), but honestly, I think 13 should be more then enough and I can’t even think of what I’d play, since I basically have one of everything – and both types of bards as well as both types of enchanters. I like coercer and illusionist for different things. I was betraying my illusionist back and forth depending on my moods so I decided that it would just be easier if I worked up a coercer, and had one of both. Now I do, and both are level 70+.

I’m still hanging out in my own little guild. Just doing my own things. Crafting, of course. I’d ideally like to see all my crafters at level 80, as well as a good portion of my characters. Granted, I imagine that’d be quite boring, it’s not as difficult as everyone may think. Two levels a day for whichever field I’m working is a common goal if I’m feeling the need to actually define ‘progress’. Slightly slowed from time to time by the need for harvests.

I was contemplating wandering towards another raid guid, but do I really want to put myself through that whole… mess.. again? Meh. It seems as soon as they find out I’ve got two accounts and a bajillion characters I instantly fall into “oh yes she can play anything we tell her to play” mode. Which I hate. Though anyone who knows me knows I shy away from having an actual ‘main’ to begin with I suppose. Mehs again. Done ranting for now *sighs* Just one of those days / weeks.