What’s the point of owning two accounts if you can’t completely fill them up with characters – and that’s what I’ve done. The best part is that I haven’t deleted anyone in a very long time. I used to delete them when I got bored, but with two accounts I’ve always just had room to make more. So this morning (after crafting 5 levels yesterday on the carpenter and doing some random harvesting) I decided it was ‘that time’ again. That’s right, time for (yet another) alt.

Thus I created Coya, my new dirge. Wait, isn’t a dirge a bard? Don’t I already have an 80 troubador? Well, yes, I do. I wanted to try the other perspective of the class too though. Heals and rez? Why not. A spunky little Kerra who’s lots of fun to play (so far). Shadowgeist and I ran her around the Gorowyn starter zone collecting every quest we could (him for the aa since he’s so close to 140). The quests were simple and fun – though we did have some difficulty with the ‘kill it to 30% then click it’ sort since we’re both very much into the ‘smush it until it stops twitching’ and that makes those quests hard.

I haven’t twinked her out (yet) but I’m sure I will. I also managed to get to 10aa, which is nice for her level. Or maybe it’s at 11 now, I forget. So that leaves my characters in EQ2 standing at:

  • 80 troubador / 60 weaponsmith / 400 tinkerer
  • 80 warden / 72 woodworker / 400 transmuter
  • 72 templar / 80 jeweler
  • 71 illusionist / 80 provisioner / 400 tinkerer
  • 70 defiler / 50 tailor
  • 70 coercer
  • 58 necromancer / 80 sage
  • 53 ranger / 62 alchemist
  • 38 brigand / 35 armorer
  • 33 monk / 35 carpenter
  • 31 wizard
  • 17 dirge
  • 14 shadowknight (who’ll probably be lucky to see one level or two a year)

I do have room to create one more (on the healer account), but honestly, I think 13 should be more then enough and I can’t even think of what I’d play, since I basically have one of everything – and both types of bards as well as both types of enchanters. I like coercer and illusionist for different things. I was betraying my illusionist back and forth depending on my moods so I decided that it would just be easier if I worked up a coercer, and had one of both. Now I do, and both are level 70+.

I’m still hanging out in my own little guild. Just doing my own things. Crafting, of course. I’d ideally like to see all my crafters at level 80, as well as a good portion of my characters. Granted, I imagine that’d be quite boring, it’s not as difficult as everyone may think. Two levels a day for whichever field I’m working is a common goal if I’m feeling the need to actually define ‘progress’. Slightly slowed from time to time by the need for harvests.

I was contemplating wandering towards another raid guid, but do I really want to put myself through that whole… mess.. again? Meh. It seems as soon as they find out I’ve got two accounts and a bajillion characters I instantly fall into “oh yes she can play anything we tell her to play” mode. Which I hate. Though anyone who knows me knows I shy away from having an actual ‘main’ to begin with I suppose. Mehs again. Done ranting for now *sighs* Just one of those days / weeks.

8 thoughts on “She’s Perrfect”
  1. I’ve thankfully never had to create storage toons. Each character’s bank is enough storage for what they need — and they’re all in my own guild, which means I have free reign of the guild bank (level 30 almost, so that’s plenty of room since stacks are now 200).

  2. Haha, you are terrible! I have quite a few alts too but not as many as you! And mine tend to get stuck at lower levels – I was just trying to think of something to do for the two toons in their 20s, I’ve done all the 20-30 zones a few times and am bored. :(

    I also have a LOT of mules (three mules for sparklies alone) so I’m constantly struggling for space, even though my boyfriend allows me to put some overflow toons onto his account. I think I have one slot free at the moment which I’m planning on using for a baby sarnok ;) I’ve been tempted by tinkering too, probably on Faymar.


    Faymar, 77 ranger / 77 prov
    Chay, 77 necro / 69 prov / 52 transmuter
    Shaymar, 54 conjuror
    Fainmar, 40 bruiser
    Feymar, 39 warlock
    Faemar, 20 illusionist
    Grandmar, 20 dirge

    and pure tradeskillers
    Kaymar, 65 prov (yeah, ok, stop laughing)
    Taymar, 79 tailor

  3. Oh my i have been so remiss the last couple of weeks eh!!! I have missed out on so much.

    Grats on 80 Troub :) Sorry I missed it when I was AFK and you logged before I was back to the keyboard.

    I REALLY like your new girl she is very cute.

  4. Yeah, I used to do the same thing. Create alts, get bored, delete, rinse, repeat. I’ve only got 3 toons I’ve settled on at the moment (2 that are 70 ), nothing compared to your list. Where do you get the time to play all of those?

  5. #1. Don’t worry about pristine. You get the same skill ups no matter what ‘rank’ of item you make.
    #2. Make the items that use more gems and less hard metals. In the end, it’s far cheaper.
    #3. Grind grind grind. You get skill ups for grey combines, not as frequent as green or blue or white, but they’re there. If the supplies are cheaper for the old tier, just stick it out and grind those grey gem combines vs. the expensive hard metal combines.

    I love my tinkerers. It’s a wonderful skill to be able to FD, CoTH yourself, add little gizmo’s, rez (if you’re a troubador, suddenly you’re a dirge too!) etc.

  6. I never thought I would find a worse alt-a-holic than myself.

    Boy, was I ever wrong…


    Hey, any tips on tinkering? That’s become a very useful profession lately.

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