January 17, 2008

A Man and his Chicken


Sensual thumbed the wallet stacked full of coins and groaned. She still didn’t think she was getting paid nearly enough to warrant dragging herself through the streets of Freeport in search of this one character. Not this one, in particular. Who thought so highly of himself (especially since the 2008 elections were upcoming) that he thought it fit to hire a personal guard of some sort. After wandering around meeting dead end trails, she finally tracked them down. Disguised in the Inn.

Sensual sighed, and listened to the on-goings of other patrons, all eager with their own stories to tell. She blocked them from her mind as she walked along, searching for this one. Lord Udoaka. She knew him only by his name and the one photograph she was given for the job. Who this other.. person, was with him, she had no idea. Eventually she heard his name whispered, Corrydonn. Why on earth he was dressed as a cockatrice, she had no idea. It must have been some sort of campaign management.

She reminded herself of the hefty price tag this assignment came with. Find anything, just some little bit of information, that could put his presidential campaign on a rocky start – was what the person requested. Whether they were to be seen as future competition she had no idea, and left it at that. All she cared about was the coin in her purse.

The doll and the chicken wandered around in what seemed like an aimless pattern – stopping once or twice on the roof, to shake Sensual off their trail. She simple shrugged and continued to follow, oblivious to anything else ongoing.

At least, something finally happened, just before she was about to go home. This Lord, this Udoaka, in the shape of a doll, spilled poison all over some innocent sarnak child. This was what Sensual was paid to capture and report on, this was it! So she scrambled to collect her notes, and without even a fair well, jumped into the night sky to report back to her customer.

She informed them of everything that she had seen, everything that had happened, and by the end walked away with another few coins for her trouble. She slipped her totems into her pouch for future uses, noting that it was easier when people didn’t try to run away from her as she was collecting her information. If only everyone worked that easily.

Another day in Game


I’ve been working on the coercer some, managed to ding her level 73 last night. Nothing exceptionally eventful, aside from just plain having fun with the class itself. It’s complicated and fun at the same time. I’ve died, a lot. Doesn’t bother me though truth be told. It’s all about learning the class and it’s limits.

In game, I’m still fairly restless. Happier though now that one of my accounts is closed. Probably going to make more characters or a healer to fill in one of the extra slots I have in the account, and then I will also have a healer slot incase I ever feel like playing one. I’m thinking Arasai defiler in the mean time. I hear a lot of lower level groups looking for healers, and I’d like to take the quest rout with her perhaps, and maybe work at getting into a smaller guild. We’ll see how it goes. I’d like a craft type for the character too, since I’ve left behind five crafters on the other account.

I spent some time today browsing EQ2flames, which is a site I’ve never actually gone to before for a few reasons. Number one, a lot of very angry people hang out there. It’s very lightly moderated when moderated at all (usually it’s not at all) and there are server sections, class sections, forums for everything you could ever want to complain about in game. It lets people get things off of their chest I suppose, but if you were ever the target of one of those posts I’d assume that you may be slightly upset with what people had said about you.

The main reason I was browsing it is because their class sections are top notch. People who are knowledgeable do post there, suggestions and advice and they do also answer questions. I had a much easier time looking for class information on their class specific forums then I did on the EQ2player forums, so they do have quite a following. I still wouldn’t want to check out or read that forum too often though, it just seems a little too harsh for me personally. To each their own though.

Finished the Terry Goodkind book and spent last night watching American Idol and laughing talking with Tipa and Saylah about the show. It was the first time I’ve actually watched the whole thing through and I was trying to understand what made it so appealing. I’m not really one for television on the best of days aside from a little background noise.

Other then that, things are quiet, the way I like them. I’m going to try to create some sort of roleplay story for the new defiler I suppose. Hey, of course I can’t stay away from some new alts, that’s just the way I am.