I know I’ve mentioned it from time to time, but probably not enough. I write because I enjoy doing it, and there’s no better reason for me. So when I get a comment or a mail in game from a reader, it always brightens my day exceptionally. I don’t expect to hear from anyone, but to those who read, thank you. I’ve met so many wonderful people, from both the blogger community and the readers. Everyone likes to know that they’re doing good, everyone likes to be praised, even if they don’t outright seek it.

So again thank you, to writers and readers alike. It’s nice to have a little space on the web to be able to vent frustrations or share joys about a game that plenty of us have in common, and form communities from it. EverQuest is all about our own epic stories after all, and I’m thankful for having such a wonderful bunch of people around to share mine with.

Oy. Enough with the sappy stuff now eh?

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