January 2008

Happy New Years!

Thanks to everyone who posted about my domain being missing, I had paid my host, but they didn’t get around to getting my domain back for me until two days after the expired date. I’m back though! *cheers*

So, a quick post tonight, as I’m stuffed full of holiday goodies, and don’t particularly feel like writing. I’ll write tomorrow.

New Years Resolutions! I have a few. I know they may just be silly, but I work great with goals and lists and what not. So here are mine.

  • 1. Be happy with me. That means taking care of myself, be it physically, emotionally, or whatever. Just little things that make me happy. I spend so much time taking care of everyone else, I want to take care of me too for once.
  • 2. More art. Self explanatory.
  • 3. Wear socks and slippers. Ok, this sounds like a really weird one, but I HATE socks. I hate wearing them with boots, with shoes, around the house, always. But it’s not exactly good for my feet to be walking around without socks. Especially not when we have 8 feet of snow on the ground and I’m wearing boots. I should probably wear socks too. So yes, this made the list.

I’ve had my site for a year now at this domain / host. I’ve been blogging about various Mmo’s in general for 3 years now, almost four, starting with EQ1 and then evolving to EQ2, WoW, and Vanguard. I’m hoping to continue that of course. I love the readers I have, and I enjoy reading their blogs in return. I doubt this site will sway off of the path that often, I’ve thought about branching out – but then I realized one of the things I love, is how very specific my site is.

Anyhow, enough sentimental ranting. I’ve been switching crafts around on characters, and switching harvests around – and sticking with the bard (who is now level 10.. SO much fun to play!) I’ve got Satia running around learning the Thestra style of novice crafting so that she can make a particular cut of gems to make jewelry with, and I think I’ll go dive back into VG for a little bit tonight.

Hugs and safe travels to all!