March 2008

Change is Never Bad


A few changes happened over the last little while, some drastic (I suppose) and some not so drastic. First and foremost, I’ve switched games, again. I took a good long look at life (or lack there of) and decided to cut down my play time by a significant amount. Just because I have a house-wife life style doesn’t mean I should be dedicating a larger then normal portion of it to gaming, which was what I was quickly doing. While I am proud that my husband is able to support both of us while I take care of the home (no children to devote my time to remember) there’s still got to be ‘more’ to life. Not that ALL my time was spent gaming, but a good potion. Hopefully my readers are not too judgmental on me in that regard. Anyhow. So less play time (to me) meant that I wanted a game that took significantly less effort. I didn’t want something I could be drawn into for hours on end. Something less complex. Of course what else did that leave me with besides World of Warcraft (hah, I don’t mean for that to sound insulting, I’m aware that’s how it comes out though).

So yes, I’ve taken up residence in Azeroth (for now) as three characters on the Ravenholdt server. I have a 33 priest, 23 hunter, and 16 warlock. A few friends have decided to come play as well, for which I am eternally grateful. Growlius (who I played EQ2 as well as VG with), Zevad (from VG) and Gozad (also from VG) to name a few. If anyone else is interested in coming to play and maybe doing a few instances and what not, PLEASE feel free. I never intended on losing touch with people just because I’ve switched games (again). I’m on the horde side, and the server is a pvp / rp server. Alliance outnumbers (apparently) 3:1, but I’ve played here before and thus far am enjoying myself. I’ve got a far more limited play schedule then I was on before, which I am actually enjoying. You can typically find me in game on weekends (off and on) as well as from 7pm-10pm EST (or so) give or take a few hours here and there.

I admit, I’m one of those people waiting for the release of WAR (though honestly, I know nothing about it) just to see a new game. I’ve been slightly tired with what’s out there- I’ve been playing them for so long how could I not be.

Aside from the game stuff, I’ve started up a new blog, here. If you’re interested in reading more about me as a person and not so much me as a gamer, feel free. I’m not doing this for any particular reason other then my own personal venting mechanism. It’s therapeutic (so I’ve heard) to ramble on about boring things that no one except your family would be interested in. I’m keeping it seperate from this gaming blog because (though I know there are feeds) I’d rather not put people to sleep immediately (a good 10 seconds after reading is fine though). Some of my artwork and photography will also (hopefully) be displayed on there for people to check out. Maybe even some writing if I get brave enough, who knows.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, where ever they gamed.

Busy? Never!

I finally finished my jeweler epic last night, thanks to the help of Gholdmoon, one of my good friends in EverQuestII. She’s one of a few who are attempting to get ALL the epics for all 9 crafters, and finished off two more last night. I needed four more pieces, two of which she made for me, and two which I asked around for. The only disappointing portion of the whole ordeal was the lack of help from other crafters. I’d asked a few times if anyone could help me with the final two pieces I needed and gotten no reply at all. But as soon as I threw some coin into the deal (5p.. I know that’s a lot but what else was I going to do with the money) I instantly got tells. I know how these things work, and I knew adding some coin to the offer would get me results. Even though I was supplying all rares. One of the two who did the combine for me DID mail the coin back as I made his portion as well- and for that I thank him. The earring is very nice, the cloak is just stunning on any halfling alive though, I’ve got to admit. Now I just need to find an outfit that will match the purple from the cloak. I like the unique look of these cloaks, and along with the scroll case above, this was one happy halfling. You also get a title “Master Jeweler” for example, was mine. You get 1 of each T8 rare- though honestly I’d rather have been reimbursed for the T5 rares I used since their prices have shot up so much. I’d love to do this quest on my other crafters, but because they’re all split between servers right now I doubt it’ll happen any time in the near future.

Aside from the crafting epic, I managed to finish the new Bristlebane Day quests, which was indeed bugged on the Freeport side. The quest starts outside the major cities, a distraught halfling will be screaming about the gods coming after them, in Commonlands by the West Freeport Gate (down the path a bit) in Antonica outside the South Freeport Gate (by a tent, you’ll see the flashing quest light) also in Gorowyn and Darklight Woods. The quest is cute and amusing- more so if you can get the quest to actually work. It worked fine on the Qeynos version for me, but I could not get the gnoll to spawn that I needed in the Commonlands. At the end Bristlebane himself (or a representation there of) comes and tells you it was all a joke, and hands you some house items.

Mmm house items. The pot is amusing, especially if you turn it on. Very bright. On the same note, have you taken a look at your fire place flames lately? The new “foolish” option is interesting to say the least. Must be some crazy gnome invention of fire proof paper.

I managed to ding the carpenter to 35, though I’m running out of vitality fast. I do have all sorts of experience potions which I may take advantage of. I just want to get out of this tier and into the next one. I also want to get some adventuring in since it’s been so long. That will more then likely have to wait until another day though, we’ll see how it goes. A few friends keep talking to me about pre-ordering WAR, but I honestly am not sure that I have any interest in playing. Meh. I’ve hit another one of those “restless” stages. Not sure what I want to play or do, or what direction I’m really headed in any more. Happens, though.

Tipa’s New Job


Tipa may have said she was writing at Massively now, but I know the truth… (She’s the short one, in case you’re not sure, or are blinded by the bright colours) As a heads up, the Bristlebane quests don’t seem to be given by these friendly folks here. I’m off to check Enchanted lands, and see if they have any news there. I’ve seen the items linked in chat now, and of course, being house items, I MUST have them.

*note* I’ve been told to look outside the cities for the quests- so off to Commonlands I go!

Outside the cities, will be one sad little halfling spouting off crazy talk about the gods, and needing protection from them. I haven’t completed the quest yet (freeport version may be bugged?) but so far it’s… interesting.

We all started as Newbs


Something to keep in mind as you play in any realm, is that we ALL started as new players at one point or another, and if you’ve played one or more mmo’s in the past, you have an advantage over other players who maybe are delving into it for the first time. When I hear the questions some people ask on channels, I often wonder ‘how the heck can they NOT know that!’ – and then I catch myself, and remember how long it took me to get to level 10 when EQ2 released. It took three days.

There’s a few things every new player typically does. Look at their UI, see if there’s a way to arrange it to the way they like it, and I, personally, look for the key bindings, right away. I switch everything over to ‘the eq2’ format. I use tilde for auto attack, and remove it from my hot bar. I look for the screen shot button (you’d think it’s always print screen, but no, in Vanguard it’s F11) and I look for the basics. The inventory window, how to open bags, binding all my bags to one key, looking for lights if any are used, and any other weird keys I may not be used to.

I have very little patience with people, and explaining to someone where these ‘newb’ features are, frustrates me. I take a deep breath and remind myself that not everyone has been playing since release. That to some this is their first mmo (whatever game it may be, there are newbs wandering around everywhere) and that maybe if I could develop a little patience, and explain things a little nicer (WTF how did you get to level 80 and NOT know that you have to turn counter clockwise 12 times and click your heels in order to gate home?!) they may stick around, and in turn help someone else out. Setting an example to a fellow gamer is a huge deal, and sets the pace for the over all feeling of the game.

So when you’re wandering around, and you stumble into that person decked out in ‘green’ gear of shoddy quality. Remember. You were there once too. Even if it wasn’t for long.

Crafting the Day Away


The bad thing about down time in any mmo (for me at least) is that I typically switch off to another mmo while it’s happening. That of course starts a snowball effect, and before you know it I’ve switched games (again). Which is what I can already see happening here. I’ve been playing Vanguard steady for two months, I hadn’t even logged into EQ2 since the day the crafting epics went live. I’ve always said EQ2 is “home” though. So when I logged in yesterday it was no surprise.

I managed to catch Tipa online, and remembered how much I miss being able to join the bloggers channel (/join antonia_bayle.bloggers in case you forget what the channel name is!) as we chattered away about random topics. Guild mates were talking about American Idol which of course brings me back to the whole stalking Tipa incident. How I’ve missed it!

So I decided to get back into the swing of things on EQ2. Full time? Who knows. Don’t get me wrong here, I love Vanguard, I really do. EQ2 is always home though. I have tried to play more then one game at a time and I typically fail utterly at it, so we’ll see how it goes. I decided to work on my carpenter a little bit. I left her at level 30 (level 77 coercer) and the housing thing has always been a big pull for me. Besides, there were all these new pretties that I haven’t seen yet in game. I’m eager to get some levels and see what I can make. The faction portion won’t be an issue to me, because the coercer is also an adventurer. I can see how some low level crafters may have a complaint (or two) about all the writs they have to grind out.

However. After playing Vanguard, grinding out writs for faction is nothing, verses grinding out work orders in order to get rare sigils (and faction) to buy recipes. This is a cake walk.

I think an interesting concept would be to have coin gain interest if you put it in your bank over time. Maybe just a small tiny amount, but any amount. Currently there’s no reason for me to put coin in the bank at all (and WHY do we not have a shared coin slot??) aside from maybe trying to convince myself not to spend it (out of sight, out of mind philosophy). Even if the amount of interest you gained back, was based by over all sales on the broker or something. Interesting concepts I think. I understand they’re not that simple to implement, but I think it would be fun.

I’m a pack rat. It was great to look at all the stuff I’ve stored over time, and try to organize it all. I have over 200p now and really nothing to spend it on. I cut down some alts, and since I’ve only got one account instead of two (sighs, second one is just sitting there unused now, if you have a suggestion for me for it let me know!) I feel much more relaxed. I have a baby monk and swashbuckler to play, as well as my higher level coercer and templar. All four characters will craft (eventually) but for now things are quiet as I get back into the game. It’s not as though I’ve forgotten to play, I haven’t been gone THAT long after all, but there’s always things for me to pick up on again (what does VOE stand for again…) and friends of course to chatter to along the way.

So look for me on the bloggers channel, and say hello. Chances are I’ll be peeking into EQ2 again a little more frequently then Vanguard. NOT that I am giving either game up at the moment, but it’s always nice to be back.