March 5, 2008

Promoted to Officer, Surprise!


Well, like the title says, yesterday I was promoted to Officer within Safe Haven. Came as a surprise to me, but at the same time I could understand why. Not because my leadership qualities are all that extraordinary, but mainly because I play during the day time and the guild has a small lack of officers who play during that time, the majority play during the PST hours, when I’m headed off to bed. Of course I accepted the position and was tickled pink that my name came up none the less. It doesn’t mean I’ll be acting any differently in guild for the most part, aside from being able to recruit people to the guild and adding them instead of just telling them to wait until an Officer logs on.

Screen shot above is my house, coming along slowly. The fireplace I built myself, and there will be fire in it once I buy some. Yes, I have to actually buy the fire to put into the fireplace. The bed was a gift from Skaara, fellow officer, one of his veteran rewards (that are not supposed to be on live yet, but there’s a small bug where people on test who claim theirs can now claim them on live) thankfully this time around it’s per character, and not per account. At least on test it is. The rug is a thestran round one from Lanatra, who is one of the guilds resident tailors. A huge thank you to her, who also crafted that basket by the fireplace that you can just barely make out on the left hand side.

Last night Growlius and I teamed up with a bard and a sorcerer from guild (their names escape me right now) to work on the shadowhound quest. I found out you can do both mount quests (thank you Skaara for the information) so I’ll do the unicorn another time. We ripped through everything we had to kill, which was great. Spent a few hours working on it and Growlius managed to ding level 27, and I hit 28 which meant new spells. Nothing exceptionally exciting there, it seems that level 30 will be the new ‘big’ level I get spells at.

Borgio was on this morning, showing off a weapon he made for his wife, and I had to giggle at the pride we all take in our crafted goods. Satia hit level 36 crafter, and today I’m aiming for 37. Of course if a sigil or two dropped along the way I wouldn’t complain. It will simply be nice to hit T5 in something, even if it is crafting. Upgrade recipes will come with time.

Mayahdros (hope I spelled that right, I’m going by memory) was on last night as well, and I’m going to assume today has a snow day (though maybe not everyone is experiencing the huge storm Ottawa is being pelted by right now) so maybe I’ll have some company in guild at least. Things have been nice and calm in guild for the most part, we did just recruit 7 new people from another guild, so there’s been an influx of new members. Of course officer or not I make it my duty to get to know everyone and say hello and what not. Community is key in a game like Vanguard especially (it’s key in most mmo’s) and without it, folks will leave. I’d rather them stick around and explore Telon as long as possible.