My Hero,and a Brief Weekend Overview
My blog hero, Tipa, came to visit in Vanguard this weekend. Have to say I was tickled pink. It’s rare I get along with females (don’t ask why, I’m not sure it’s just the way it is) and it was great to have someone to run around with and chatter about random things. I’d spend a great deal more time writing about events except with daylight savings my time’s already shorter by an hour (blast it!) and I’m falling asleep as I write this.
Needless to say, the visit was great, and I sent her a care package of goodies, even if the game was being annoying.
I also went and saw 10,000 BC in theaters, great movie, I loved it. You have to be into that sort of movie to enjoy it though. It’s predictable, so if you don’t like knowing what’s going to happen next the movie is not for you. Still very well done though.
Also bought two new books to the Kushiel’s series by Jaqueline Carey, going to read a little befor I pass out tonight.
Snow storm came and went, we’re just digging ourselves out today. That better be it for the year.
In game, I hit level 30 adventurer, level 40 crafter, and with the help of a guild group, completed my shadowhound quest. More information about that tomorrow. Congratulations to Growlius, Lanatra, and Timu who all also got theirs. Skaara and Photons for helping out, we had a blast.
I know my armor doesn’t match, and the shadowhound looks something like a warg from EQII, but the unicorn mount quest will be next on my list. Apparently it can be solo’d. I’m standing outside of Aghram in Qalia, the zone where during the day (of course this shot is taken at night) the sand blinds me more then snow.
Safe travels to everyone!