Since the game is down I decided I needed to update some signatures. I’d made one for Ishbel when I was playing her as my ‘main’ but decided it was time for an updated Satia one. I was also asked to make one for Tazikor who is a warrior in guild, and he sent me some amusing screen shots to use. I’ve always loved making signatures for people, and will probably continue to do it so long as an opportunity presents itself. I know mine are not nearly as nice as some people out there, but I’m still learning.

2 thoughts on “A Few Signatures”
  1. Every day I think, I do so little and then I get these emails saying that I am having signatures made for me and all sorts of other fun things. I look around dismal forests and pack my things and . . . clearly I’m leading a double life. One is quite dull while your Satia is having all sorts of adventures. I’m having fun visiting here and reading about myself. :)

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