One of the more over looked items that was added in GU43, was G15 keyboard support. Something I was ecstatic to hear.

Logitech G15 Support

EQII now supports the Logitech G15 Keyboard’s LCD display. You can enable/disable this option under Options->User Interface->Game Features. The data sent to the LCD window is extremely customizable.

The Default UI ships with five pages of data.
Page 1 is the title page and shows what each of the 4 buttons do when pressed.
Page 2 displays your current ping, packet loss, frame rate and bandwidth usage.
Page 3 displays experience for your adventure level, tradeskill level and achievement points.
Page 4 is a mini persona window showing your stats, health and power.
Page 5 displays the health and power for all members of your group.

UI modders can display any number of pages with each page showing any of the dynamic data already available to the client.

I’ve had my G15 for a little over a year now, and I love it. I don’t think I could switch to any other keyboard. I like being able to have my own profiles per game (granted, EQ2 is very limited with what I can do with those 18 keys, since they don’t allow keybinding past the 3 hotbars they give you to start with) and it’s something that should have been implemented long ago. I know a lot of people use gaming keyboards, and perhaps it just wasn’t known at the time how much this little feature would be appreciated.

5 thoughts on “G15 Support – Finally”
  1. The G15 support is built into the EQ2 client now. But is suspect those of you that can’t see the support have not downloaded the Logitech drivers/program for the keyboard. I did nothing else and mine (and the Mrs) work fine.

    Here is the link:,en Just remember to chose your operating system before puching the download button.

  2. Hmmms. I’m not sure that I did anything unique.. I patched my UI (I use profit reborn) updated my maps, patched EQ2.. and that was it. Unless it’s built into profit or something.

  3. How did you get it to actually start working? I have a G15 and noticed the addition of support in EQ2, but even with the “Enable G15 support” box checked I still don’t get anything on the keyboard LCD. Do I need to download something on G15 software side?

  4. I’ve always wanted a G15 for the extra keys because I’ve so much in mind that I could use them for, Ventrilo push-to-talk among one of them for example. But I always keep my keyboard tucked away in the keyboard drawer since I don’t have to look at them to type and that saves precious table space, so I wish they’d make a model without the LCD screen but with just the extra keys.

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